He then opens the lunchbox to find a soup container sitting inside]. Carol Danvers: Captain Marvel and Thor rounded out the top three. Kree Star Force. It is very dramatic and manipulative sounding, similar to listening to tales from a snake oil salesman. There's only so much I'm cleared to tell you Vers, but [looks to see no one is looking] Lawson was an undercover Kree operative named Mar-Vell. Vers is then seen activating her beacon, while Nick Fury walks up behind her and taps on the glass surrounding the phone booth]. She doesn't typically take to people. General Talos (voiceover): Huh. Vers: Shape-shifters. When she turns around and sees a life-size poster, she shoots an energy blast towards it, causing the head to fall off and the neck to erupt in flames]. Is that why we never hung out? Vers: I would say that your delusional but we just got shot down by a spaceship and your blood is blue. They believe that she developed a light-speed engine at Pegasus. Your people are terrorists that kill innocents. Nick Fury: We just want a home. This causes all electricity on the ship to malfunction. Nick Fury: clarity benefit solutions debit card. Carol has just finished standing up after the pain in her neck]. Lawson: Listen, I spent half my life fighting a shameful war. Nick Fury: Supreme Intelligence: Maria Rambeau: Vers is tinkering with her communications equipment with parts from Radio Shack and a payphone. I just need your help decoding the coordinates to Mar-Vell's lab. Carol: Yon-Rogg will catch up to you soon. Ever been to C-53? I do a mini review of Captain Marvel and explore exactly why your script needs to be torn apart and chewed to pieces in order to be half way good. He killed her 'cause she found out that she was on the wrong side of an unjust war. That's what I'm saying. Nick Fury: You were smart, and funny, and a huge pain in the ass. Nick Fury: We. Nick Fury: Vers: To see the bird parked out by the road. She was working on a unique energy core. Nick Fury: The camera pans to show visions of Vers playing an arcade game, drinking with Maria and singing karaoke. Don't ever change your eyes. Randomly, Goose appears at the end of the aisle]. Nick Fury: And yet, you've never had the strength to control them on your own. The kind of moment we've both been waiting for. No one's going to hurt the girl. Helpless. Carol Danvers: Not unlike the file I started on you. Fury steps off and walks away while the Director stays in the elevator. Nick Fury: Yon-Rogg: That's impossible. Nick Fury: In one of the best "retorts" in the history of film, Samuel L. Jackson delivers a thunderously powerful speech as Jules Winnfield in "Pulp Fiction . Vers: Has anybody seen what the Supreme Intelligence really looks like? She overtakes a car, then pulls into a parking lot outside of a bar before walking inside. It could be you. Nick Fury: You can have me. And I'm not doing it now. Because I remember. [Carol nods and smiles before Monica embraces her]. I will finish what we started. Carol's suit changes to a blue suit with yellow stripes and red gloves, boots, belt and shoulders], [The scene then changes to a path surrounded by grass. This is a tremendous idea! I upgraded it. Korath: Ronan: Carol Danvers: Carol Danvers: Supreme Intelligence: Yon-Rogg: No, no codes. Supreme Intelligence: Vers then is forced onto the floor, and her fist begins to glow orange]. The bartender then walks away confused]. Vers: I see flashes. Fury then walks through the aisle, before peering his head around. I wonder why they terminated the project. We're on our way. 10. Everything that I knew was a lie. When she sees somebody, the tablet in her arm lights up showing a string of characters. Neither he is a God but when he speaks, everyone listens. And believe me, He's winding up ". This time, the suit changes to black with neon lights lining the stripes], Monica: Definitely not. Yon-Rogg puches Vers in the face causing her to fall down. No. Vers watches Lawson fall and sits there in shot watching the assailant. Yon-Rogg walks towards Carol and throws Goose along the floor towards her. For the good of all Kree. Yon-Rogg: Tied my boss up, stole his identity. Nothing that wasn't already there. I'm only human. Yon-Rogg: Listen up team! Keller: #25's Monologue from The Wolves including context, text and video example. Director: Wow, they're ugly bastards aren't they? ], [The scene changes again, but the wires have disappeared and the walls have been replaced with an endless glossy floor. The lights are on and hanging at angles, the shelves are half-empty and Vers is covered in material from the roof. What? She fires a blast at the engine, and the spacepod finally takes off. Yes. That's why security here's so unfriendly. You'll use it to destroy us. It's just a scratch. Vers struggles to regain control of the plane, but fails to do so], Vers: Bail out! During this fight, she manages to free herself from the restraints by blasting energy from her hands until they break. I saw the ruins on Torfa. Talos: Play it cool. These gorgeous and free! Assistance with short selling your home Yon-Rogg: Ronan, Skrulls have infiltrated C-53. Vers? On the flight down, the pod begins to break, and Vers is forced out and is thrown down into a Blockbuster store], [The scene changes to the inside of an empty Blockbuster store. Carol Danvers: I know a rogue soldier when I see one, you've got a personal stake in this. Supreme Intelligence: With what exactly? Kree Computer: Agent Coulson: How are you? Species: Flerken. Yon-Rogg: Talos: But what happens (Carol pulls outthe chip attached to her neck, causing the energy from her fists to spread to cover her entire body) when I'm finally set free? If a toast is cut diagonally, I can't eat it. Carol holds her arm out to Monica, allowing her to change the colors. Come on. Vers then punches her, causing a fight before being pulled off the lady by a group of passengers. Carol Danvers: As the car tumbles, Vers sees flashes of orange and blue light similar to that of her energy blasts.]. The first Captain Marvel film took place in the 90's, and ended with Danvers defeating her former mentor Yon-Rogg before helping the stranded Skrull race find a new home. Oh, what? Soren: It's okay. Carol: I upgraded it. My mom. Excellent work Nicholas. [Once General Talos fires his weapon, the scene changes to Vers in a dogfight. Young lady, I have a special skill that kind of allows me to get into places I'm not supposed to be. But you won't succeed in changing the subject. No? The scanner reads the fingerprint before glowing green and opening the door]. What it's for? 'Cause if there were, we would want to keep that to ourselves. Tell the Supreme Intelligence that I'm coming to end it. Monica: I kept all your stuff, I'll go get it. Said the space soldier who's wearing a rubber suit. On Hala, you were reborn. You have a chance to fly the coolest mission in the history of missions. Nick Fury: [The director points towards the men in the other cars before himself and Fury walk towards the elevators]. Not even our own men. Fury: Well, I'd say fine. Yon-Rogg: Lost. The title "Mar-Vell's Laboratory, Kree Imperial Cruiser" appears on the screen. Yon-Rogg (through Vers' earpiece): Vers? The Supreme Intelligence gave me responsibility of showing you how to using them. With what, exactly? Do you have the thing? Fury: It's cool. Homeless, ever since we resisted Kree rule and they destroyed our planet. Fury: She crashed the ASIS aircraft during an unauthorized test flight. Threat: Low to None. But every once and awhile, we can all use a reminder like this that our lifetimes are limited and we should use the time that we have wisely, especially since we don't know when we'll reach the end. [Supreme Intelligence starts dancing to "Come as You Are" by Nirvana]. It's too dangerous. Congrats to you, Starforce lady. Nick Fury: The scene cuts to Vers and Fury sitting in an office, both incredibly bored. Fury then coughs and gestures towards a cup of tea, which is still steaming], [Talos begins singing loudly. Nick Fury: The core has been destroyed. Got the ranks of full breed Colonel. Maria Rambeau: Hidden. Yon-Rogg: Uh, Belfast. Carol: Your Mom's lucky. The Supreme Intelligence made me the responsibility of showing you how to use them. Yon-Rogg grabs Vers' right arm and pins it behind her]. But you cheated, took a shortcut. Maria: Get your butt's inside, it's time to eat. Nick Fury: (Vers begins looking at the coordinates, but her vision is fuzzy)You're almost there.You're almost there. Come at once. But we're here now. Fury: Oh. Witness says she was dressed for laser tag. Took a pilot down with her. The least you can do is give me a smile. The bad guy's still in there somewhere- [Goose scratches Nick Fury's eye] Oh! [Vers and Fury walk into the records room. Vers. It's a nerve-wracking experience and you want to walk into . General Talos (voiceover): This is it. I'll find Blockbuster girl. The SWAT team then search through every aisle looking for either Fury or Vers. About to show these boys how to do it. Biker: Line up honey, heh? Vers' Brother: Huge rumble throughout the cosmos shook the moon and the sun and the stars in the sky. Do a pincer move, like we did in Havana. This quote has been erroneously reported as an ad-lib, but in fact this specific line was in the script. You got a big decision to make. Yon-Rogg (through Vers' earpiece): Vers? Yon-Rogg: She grabs the lunchbox with the Tesseract and finds Maria and Fury]. SHIELD could always use a good pilot like you. Tell me the second you get a signal. Monica Rambeau (11 Years Old): Medical Examiner: Yeah, well. She is revealed to be Talos' wife, Soren] Blue blood running through my veins. Ronan: Several Skrulls anywhere is a threat to Kree everywhere. General Talos finds a young women surfing, and changes into her]. Speaking to Entertainment Tonight earlier this month, Ant-Man star Paul Rudd, who appeared alongside Renner in 2016's Captain America: Civil War and 2019's Avengers: Endgame, said his co-star was doing "well". General Talos: How about I tell you my secret? Carol Danvers: Maria: You woke me up, banging on my door at dawn. Well to each his own. One moment. Vers: No its not! Just do it, please. Once Vers removes Lawson's helmet, she notices something is wrong]. Grunge is a good look for you. [Vers begins fighting the Skrulls, with her hands still in the restraints. She looks around and sees the Skrull assuming its true form], [The scene changes to the outside of a barn, with Monica sitting outside on the bench and Maria trying to stop her from coming inside], [Monica puts earplugs in her ears and Maria walks inside, revealing a study. [tries to retrieve his hand from Danvers, but drops on his knees out of the electric shock from Danvers' photon charge] ], [Screen Title: Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures]. Carol Danvers: Carol Danvers: And you're a Kree? Keller: I was already slipping when you happened to punch me in the face. On Hala, you were reborn, Vers. She replaces the green with bright red and the yellow replacing the grey stripes], [Monica presses the buttons again. We've given you a great gift. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. Stop using this [points to her chest, above her heart] and start using this [gestures towards her head]. (Vers visions about the explosion come back, this time focusing on the fire around the plane) Focus! The computer shows different images from her interrogation before it sparks and Vers removes the USB. She's got the Darkhold and the Darkhold has her." "Scarlet Witch is a being of unfathomable magic. I'm sorry to report that we still haven't found the Tesseract. [over the loud music of piano] Lawson: Yeah, but, uhhow's my hair? Supreme Intelligence: The Skrull general, Talos, has sent kill units to find him. (Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division), a fictional peacekeeping and spy agency in a . You have to go. The core that she found would have powered a light-speed ship capable of carrying us to safety. Or will it get the better of you, as always? She looks at the passengers and notices someone reading the script to Mallrats]. Carol: If you hurt them, I will burn you to the ground. Published by at 14 Marta, 2021. Why would it? Does it say anything about me? I knew it, everybody said you were dead but we knew they were lying. Supreme Intelligence: On Hala, you were reborn. Director: You said, that this thing looked like Coulson? Fury: Aren't you cute? Carol Danvers: The Kree are still surrounding the Skrulls, and Goose is being scanned with a Kree scanner], [Bron-Char begins putting a muzzle on Goose's head, but is met by protests from Fury].