Are you giving us a clue as to Jason Michaels mystery happening? Pertinent questions are starved before birth. 24 February, 2021 at 5:35 pm And one post in particular seems to suggest that she is no shrinking violet. [14] Councillors had approved a 6m purpose built visitor centre at Tweedbank Railway Station, however Grahame contested that the business case was flawed and persuaded Scottish Government ministers to investigate this further before releasing the funding required to create it. Jackie Baillie did at least try to get a straight answer from the slimy slippery Wolffe, but to no avail. Contact details Contact online Email: Website: Facebook: Christine's facebook Contact at the Scottish Parliament The Scottish Parliament Edinburgh EH99 1SP Phone: 0131 348 5729 Text relay calls welcome. The one thing I will say though is that Ms Grahame seems very much like my mum theres nothing going to keep her back. I appreciate he will not be questioned directly on it & if he sidestep into the redacted area LF will try to silence him. In what possible way does the assertion that Sturgeon broke the Ministerial Code have any impact or bearing upon the anonymity of the conspirators? Did I hear bodies being thrown under a bus by Wolfie? Its our dear Lawrence and Craig . I have it on impeccable authority that she was not merely not a very good lawyer, she was absolutely dire, almost unemployable; probably another reason that she hates Joanna Cherry. She has a condition that causes a head tremor. Mr Salmond is in some debt to you and I know that you will believe that doing your job as a journalist is not a question of debt but rather a question of professional integrity. I hope this site wont suffer due to you. It has said: We have not signed the contract with Circularity Scotland, Christine Grahame (Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale) (SNP): "I very much welcome a debate on preparing a new dementia strategy, because it is a miserable, cruel disease that impacts on so many people, and it is increasing, Christine Grahame (Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale) (SNP): "I thank the member for bringing this debate to the chamber, and I add my voice to those who are recognising and applauding the stoicism and determination of many in the hospitality sector, including pubs, small hotels and restaurants and similar venues in the Borders and Midlothian, which with Covid fundingalthoguh not all received itadapted as, See all of Christine Grahame's contributions in the chamber, See all of Christine Grahame's contributions in committees. Who does he report to now & is it waffle himself? The MSP from Dumbarton is doing very well measured and to the point. She continued to campaign for this for a number of years, with the line eventually opening between Edinburgh and Tweedbank in 2015. Do you honestly think that with a case that can bring down the First Minister & her coterie and potentially the Scottish Government as as whole, the same person who brought the Lord Advocate & by association the Clown Office back into politics under the government as part of the Scottish Governments Cabinet, that the Lord Advocate would excuse himself in dealing with any of this? How did the mass Scottish political and legal car crash get to this level of dysfunction? Time is running out sturgeon. Roland LeBay - Committed suicide via carbon monoxide poisoning. We know this because this is what she said to the court. Above looks interesting , is the press turning? (In 2007 Alex Salmondde-politicised the post and excluded the then-Lord Advocate, Elish Angiolini, from Cabinet meetings. Murrell is probably in debt up to his eyeballs. I am definitely no expert, but I think this last attempt at obfuscation, whoever was involved, sealed the COPFS, Nicola and her husband to the recycling bin. I can remember people like Donald Gorrie, [who] was always off message. They make an initial statement on becoming or being returned as an MSP. With the Parliament being the highest office in the land, higher than the Scottish Government and higher than its pet prosecution office (COPFS), this should be a walk in the park. So I waited until I heard the evidence and I still wasnt convinced. 452 Msb M, Gainesville, Florida, 32610, United States She could have been nodding in agreement as well, one doesnt negate the other. Sturgeons statement that because you are found not guilty, that doesnt mean you are innocent will come back to haunt her. Those closest to the Scottish Government are the most bent. (More), Stats: Big girl did it run away!. Its all building up nicely; If even a part of what Alex Salmond says is true, it represents an ethical collapse in Nicola Sturgeons Scottish Government, Given that the Scottish Parliament derives its authority from legislation passed in this Parliament, what mechanisms do we have to ensure that the conduct of the Scottish Government does not bring politics in the whole of the United Kingdom into international disrepute?. that`s $65,000,000 going south every day,about $24 billion a year,if we nationalised our oil like Saudi. but McDonalds is open. analysis, corruption, disturbing, investigation, scottish politics, video Contact at local office 6 High Street Galashiels TD1 1SD Phone: 07976 596 245 Within next two weeks. Or is it? What about Carig Murray? Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. Englands National news proclaims an extra 400 million for Her maternal grandfather was Welsh. That the COPFS only intention on this was to protect the identity of the accuser is simply not credible. A family nurse practitioner is a nurse who completed a. In a situation where both the Lord Advocate because of his sitting in cabinet is in disrepute but the crown as represented by COPFS infested with MI5s is also in disrepute, the Lord Advocate becomes the weakest link, the expendable one. When a leader shows contempt for the people he/she is supposed to represetn, then it is time for that reign to end. Ive tried to see the issue from all sides. It emerged yesterday Christine Grahame, SNP MSP and convenor of the committee, has been accused by a former employee of making sectarian remarks about colleagues, including members of her own. Now is the time. Not that I was that interested in what she was saying I switched off to everything she has to say since she fired Mark MacDonald for sending a text. Im away to watch towie for the first time ever , whole lot more believeable than this shit shower. Social . Now I have concerns that access to justice for some people means just getting their case into court and I do not think court is therapy, I do not think that a rape or sexual assault victim getting into court and then a jury turning round and finding someone not guilty, acquitting them or not proven, will make them feel any better, I think it will make them feel worse, thats my take. Try every dirty legal trick in the book.,_Lord_Mulholland, Francis Mulholland, Lord Mulholland, CBE, PC, QC (born 18 April 1959) is a Scottish judge who has been a Senator of the College of Justice since 2016. Scotlands fortnightly political & current affairs magazine. The campaign about Megrahi, and things like that, have all been important things to do and if nobody else was doing it, I might as well do it. Theres a huge crack in the dam, the water is gushing through and the entire structure is about to completely collapse imminently. The fact that unionists are making the running on a lot of this doesnt mean the principle is wrong. Gave me a few good sniggers. 24 February, 2021 at 9:43 pm. Its nothing to worry about. Stuart, I dont know how youre keeping up with all the last ditch, sleekit twists & turns as this farce heads inexorably towards towards a denouement, but thanks for taking one (a biggie) for the team. Even at age nine, Christine Grahame didnt stay silent for long when she deemed something was wrong. Unless of course he happens to be only the figurehead of COPFS but not the real head. It beggars belief.. This is very serious. However, watch as MSM and the BBC and the Tory autonomy-eunuchs conflate them. Liam Fox the Disgraced Defence Minister? Your kind is extinct. The date of their initial statement was 17 May 2021. Sometimes the opposition misses the mark and youre doing things. I didnt like the manner of it and I made that plain, she says. Just in time for the May Elections we all saw that coming didnt we???? aLurker says: Grahame was the SNP's candidate for Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale in the 1992 UK General election, but failed to win the seat. Until he commented that the section had been redacted to protect complainers. a quick thought, quote taken from a commentor on guido. It wisnae me it wis ma minnions and they are just the best cos am the best too now away an wheesht wummin, So surely the LArd Advocate has DELIBERATELY LIED to parliament when he agreed with toom tabard Arthur that ALL previous advocates even before 1707 were members and ministers of whichever govt was in power, Yet that unionist bastirt stuarty Campbell can produce evidence within minutes that shows these fuckwits dont and cant even check their facts, I know how to fix that. Starts to make sense why Lloyd has been prevented from giving testimony under oath. Twitter Jeggit. We know they were betrayed by their sister, Leslie Evans, who took the material direct to the Crown Agent against their explicit wishes. "[25], Grahame has two sons and is a grandmother. Jackie Baillie: The SSPCA was called and checked out the animal. 24 February, 2021 at 7:08 pm Hope we can all survive this BS. The whole thing is about to blow up soon and more than the rest he knows things have gone beyond the option of just resigning in disgrace. The current SNP, after the New Labour Blairite model, has become a mostly middleclass enterprise. There is no question now but we are in a major constitutional crisis. Rhiannon Spear & The Rape Crisis Centre. Stephen I agree. Liam Fox might have added that if even part of what Salmond says is true, Sturgeon can expect to face criminal charges. Christine Grahame (Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale) (SNP): 8. He knows too much and sky are quite happy to run with it, drip feeding it over the last month or so. Whether she has actually nodded in the video, I am not sure because I have not watched it. Sciences regresses as Galileos telescope goes unused again. Maybe I read it wrongly, she gave the impression of the old school combative SNP MSPs. A. The setback, however, did not stop the Bill narrowly passing at Stage 1, as an amendment that would have removed the controversial rule change from the proposed legislation fell by three votes. Any pain that might be brought by our Independence is of a nothing in comparison.