Academic Evaluation form. I understand that he recently got in a fight at the base Club and is now subject to administrative action under the UCMJ. To me the rater and senior rater are there to make sure the self evaluation stays honest. Purpose: Provides evaluation information for use by successive members of the rating chain, emphasizes and reinforces professionalism, and supports the specialty focus of Officer Professional Management System (OPMS). Although I was not his direct supervisor, I worked closely with him for over 16 months. height/weight and APFT data. Witnessing CW3 Texas-Ranger s superior leadership and mentorship qualities in such a diverse environment, certainly groomed me into the Leader I am today. What form is the NCOER? References mentioned: S1 Net (CAC required) Our recommended tips for completing the OERSF: #1) Keep a running log of your significant contributions and accomplishments throughout the rating period. Make sure you address the type of behavior that the person is accused of having. 1. ". Officers' personal assignment considerations are the last aspect in the assignments process. . RYAN P. FASANO No choice when you have to rate / are rated by someone you don't even know. of all officers, the best among a select grade or group, promote below the zone). " Your team consistently meets their goals often exceeding expectations. I am writing this character statement in support of SrA Morrison. Closing. HELP! The Army can and has moved surprisingly swiftly to discharge offenders and your statement will have a lot of weight in determining the subject's fate and may just save him or her from being discharged. Majors should approach future career goals logically and sequentially. DEI Best Practices: Expanding the K-12 pipeline,,,, NAME OF RATER (Last, First, Middle Initial) a5. Provide rater and senior rater support forms. - Achieves. Normally must serve 90 days. He owned his Platoon, took responsibility for their mistakes, never made excuses for his short comings, and always gave the Trainees credit for their successes. His military presence was something that even many of his superiors adored, including myself. He would selflessly sacrifice his time on countless occasions, in order to lift the weight off his struggling peer's backs. Despite this, he had an extremely positive impact on me and the unit. I have always known him to be quietly cheerful and, to my knowledge, he has always had a good attitude and a positive outlook. Although we have screened every document for quality control, there likely exist errors in content and typography. And the members who will be judging the case don't care if you use bad grammar. c. COMMENTS . I first met SGT Jones in April 2011 at WLC, on Ft Stewart. #2) Ask for your rater and senior rater's support forms and ensure your support form nests with theirs. It takes time to evaluate/assess and the process exists. However, I do not believe the fullest extent of the law should be applied when determining her final punishment. He has never been in trouble before or involved in any kind of altercation. The Master Sergeant apparently thought we were assigned to his work detail and blasted us with insults and even put his hand on SPC Morrison's shoulder as if he was going to arrest him. It's happening for a good reason, because the professional Soldier already knows what they have done well and what they need to improve. However, if someone strives to become a battalion commander, previous senior rater comments will carry enormous weight during the selection process. Describe incidents where he was encouraged to cut corners or leave his post but refused. What bullet point examples have you seen for "Achieves" in the new Army NCOER form? o Updates policy authorizing officer evaluation reports for United States Army Reserve officers in the rank of major general (paras 1-7 and 3-2). They just want to get an idea of the person's history so that they can make a fair decision based on the evidence. I met SSG Deleon on August 25, 2019, on the day he was assigned to Chaos Company. As a rater and senior rater, I provided the thoughts below to my team as more clear and concise guidance regarding each. During this rating period, CPT Holmes has demonstrated that he is an excellent Officer and company commander. An effective character statement focuses on specifics. 1. I will have honorably served for 15 years come February, 2019. I have been in the Army for over 11 years and I am currently the NCOIC of Personal Property at the Installation Transportation Office. Theoretically, each assignment officer will touch approximately 68 percent of their assigned population over a span of two years. The documents hosted in the ACO Learning Center come from various sources. This came as quite a surprise to me and definitely caught me off guard. 3. The documents hosted in the ACO Learning Center come from various sources. Contributions are moderated and will not show up until reviewed. Now that I've given you my advice about managing your OER, here are some sample OER bullets and OER comments. He is one of our best troops and I would not hesitate to recommend him for retention and promotion. However, officers must develop realistic plans that mitigate risks to accomplish their overall career goals. Over 1,000 Rater and Senior Rater bullets for NCOERs and OERs. I can be reached at or 719-964-8004. And the supplemental NCOER? The number one rule is that as your performance changes, so should your future goals. Nominative assignments are continual and do not necessarily align with a specific cycle. His drive and motivation played a key role in the accomplishment of the Unit's mission: taking civilians, turning them into Infantrymen and training them to be the Force's future leaders. Medical support, educational interests, or exploration opportunities are all worth consideration. SSG Deleon served as a Drill Sergeant in 1st Platoon and later became the Senior Drill Sergeant of 3rd Platoon. Officers rated in the top third of their peers represent the best in the field, and these officers will have the opportunity to serve in joint assignments, as general officer aides, or in other nominative assignments reserved for the very best. HELP! It is completely out of character for him and I can't help but wonder if there were mitigating circumstances. Achieve partnered with OER Commons to develop an online evaluation tool t o allow users to apply these rubrics and evaluate the quality of instructional resources. Each attribute/competency is broke down by level of rater box check that . NAME:! November 8, 2021. by Ashley Welte. SSG Deleon displayed an unmatched work ethic. The new Army OER form requires bullet comments for the following sections: First and foremost, I have one thing to say: ADRP 6-22 (. What is the form number OER for Company grade officers? I am positive that he will thoroughly think things through and never make another decision without basing it off of our core Army Values. A key part of the new OER system will be to ask raters to make determinations about what an officer is capable of, and what suggestions there might be for how the officer can be better developed . To do otherwise would hurt your reputation and possibly make you subject to UCMJ action. Currently there are two cycles: the 01 cycle, which runs from Oct. 1 through March 31, and the 02 cycle, which runs from April 1 through Sept. 30. To achieve desirable career outcomes, an officer must consider the following 10 aspects. I first met CW3 Texas-Ranger in August 2004, when he served as an AIT Drill Sergeant at Ft. Gordon, GA. CW3 Texas-Ranger was never assigned as my Drill Sergeant or Senior Drill Sergeant. The establishment of realistic career goals is paramount to successfully managing expectations. Essentially, this is an algorithm, and step one must be accomplished before step two is initiated. Discuss job description and performance objectives with rated officer within 30 days. Section 6. He is a graduate of Intermediate Level Education, Pathfinder School, Airborne School, the Joint Planners Course, the Joint Firepower Course, and the Mobilization and Deployment Course. Talent management must be viewed holistically. SHARP, EO, and EEO. Rate free field grade oer support form example. In fact, I once heard our Maintenance NCO praise him at a meeting with the NCOIC, saying he wished he had more Soldiers like him. TO BEGIN THE OER, CLICK ON THE "RATED SOLDIER TAB" AT THE TOP OF THE OER SHELL AND COMPLETE BLANKS AS REQUIRED USING INFO BELOW: ----- (Admin Data - Rated Soldier Tab) RATED OFFICER: VO, SON L . Should only be used for: The best Most Qualified (MQ) reports within a mature profile Highly Qualified (HQ) reports that follow an MQ for same rated officer with discretion, for the very best officers with HQ reports in small We include documents based . Being promoted to lieutenant colonel is definitely indicative of a successful career. Provide narrative comments which demonstrate performance regarding field grade competencies and attributes in the Rated Officer's current duty position. An honest self evaluation is often more useful than the "what I observed of you" style evaluations. To this end, this Combat training center and joint assignments represent the next target. Usually, when things get to the point where character references are requested, the person is in potentially serious trouble and his career is on the line. His commitment to our mission was something he held near and dear to his heart. I encourage officers to perform well regardless of the assignment, and to trust the organization to keep them on a path of progression. If you are called on to write a character statement on someone's behalf, make sure what you write is 100% factual. If you would like for me to elaborate prior to your final decision, I would sincerely appreciate the opportunity to speak further on CW3 Texas-Ranger's behalf. SSG Deleon had always demonstrated the highest level of integrity and never acted as someone who would violate his position of trust. Normally a single paragraph of a couple of sentences explaining who you are (rank, place of work, etc) and your relationship with the subject (co-worker, friend, supervisor, etc). He does his share of the work without complaint and appears to enjoy his job and being a member of the Army. Contributions are moderated and will not show up until reviewed. At that time, LCpl Trejo displayed himself in a manner that was well above reproach. Despite the unjustified provocation, SPC Morrison remained calm and in a respectful manner, explained our situation, and then just walked away. Since assuming command, CPT Holmes improved morale by developing an effective rewards program resulting in 15 Achievement Medals, 8 Driver's Badges, and numerous coins and COA's. Leading includes inspiring others to take the journey with you. The below comments are not to replace the Army's definition, nor are . Promotion opportunities are many, and multiple paths lead to the same end state. My impression of his tactical and technical knowledge was that of a senior NCO. This approach should include preparing for promotion to lieutenant colonel, competing for the centralized selection list, and commanding a battalion, if desired. A joint assignment is a great opportunity, but if you do not get promoted to lieutenant colonel or selected for battalion command, it will not take you very far.