"Five constitute a Lodge of Fellow Crafts two Master Masons and three Fellow Crafts. At the revival in 1717, they were called setting-tool, setting maul, and setting-beetle; later in the century, it was the twenty-four-inch gauge, square, and gavel; then the setting-tool, square, and rule; and now the plumb-rule, square, and strong or heavy maul.--The Freemason's Treasury, p. 306. Let him enter, and be received in due form. At what hour was our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, slain? Reading the part will not merit receiving credit for the part. This reference to Jeremiah, where the prophet denounced the curse of the Lord upon the Princes and rulers who had broken the covenant which they had made with King Zedekiah, may explain the self-imposed penalty of J------ (Jubelum)." the portrayal of the removal of everything that keeps us from rising to that state where. The unfinished Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies, of King Solomon's Temple. the soul communes with the Supernal Light. He was surrounded by his family who made beautiful music just for him and prayed that he would be at peace after eight and a half months of . that my breast had been torn open." A. 17.) Phil., p. 309. He cannot be found. Brother Grand Secretary (turning to the Secretary of the Lodge), you will go out and see to calling the several rolls of the craft, and report to me as soon as possible. Ritual and Monitor, by Malcolm C. Duncan [1866] in Turning in his seat toward the Treasurer's desk, he says to the Treasurer: "My worthy brother of Tyre, as the Master's word is now lost, the first sign given at the grave, and the first word spoken, after the body is raised, shall be adopted for the regulation of all Masters' Lodges, until future generations shall find out the right. (They all kneel.). have compassion on the children of thy creation, administer them comfort in time of trouble, and save them with an everlasting salvation. By the order of the Master and the assistance of the Brethren. 7, p. MASTER GIVING THE GRAND MASONIC WORD ON THE FIVE POINTS OF FELLOWSHIP. 2 Fellow Craft. : "O Lord my God, I fear the Master's word is forever lost!" The Senior Warden approaches the candidate, faces him toward the east (i.e. Q. I furthermore promise and swear that I will not be present at the making of woman a Mason, an old man in his dotage, a young man in his non-age, an atheist, a mad man, a libertine, or a fool, knowing them to be so. As soon as a lodge accepts you, you are an apprentice. --The Freemason's Treasury, p. 213. The beautiful virgin weeping over the broken column denotes the unfinished state of the Temple, likewise the untimely death of our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff; the book open before her, that his virtues lay on perpetual record; the sprig of acacia in her right hand, the divinity of the body; the urn in her left, that his ashes were therein safely deposited, under the "Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies," of King Solomon's Temple. The ruffians being executed, the brethren all return quietly to the Lodge, when one of them reports, in a loud tone of voice: "Most Worshipful King Solomon, your orders have been duly executed upon the three murderers of Grand Master, Hiram Abiff." The masons learn that hard work and perseverance are keys to success and that violence is never an acceptable form of conduct 18 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF . They have now passed around the Lodge three times, and as. Even in its exoteric aspect its simple, yet dramatic, power must leave a lasting impression on the mind of every Cand.. They would fail to become proficient in the required memory work. But few Masons take sufficient interest in Masonry to be advanced further, and consequently do not get the password which was lost by the tragical death of Hiram Abiff. S. W.--Brother Junior Warden, it is the orders of the Worshipful Master, &c., &c. J. W.--Brethren, you have heard the orders of the Worshipful Master, as communicated to me through the Senior Warden in the west--you will take notice, and govern yourselves accordingly. 7, p. 18--some Masters make this sign twice), accompanied by the following exclamation, viz. . [paragraph continues] Wardens at the head, when the Master makes the sign of "distress" of a Master Mason, which is done by raising both hands and arms above the head. How many constitute a Fellow Crafts' Lodge? ", "Yes, here is the body of our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, in a mangled and putrid state. A rope, technically called, by Masons, a cable-tow, is wound around his body three times, and a bandage, or hoodwink, is tied very closely over his eyes. Craftsmen, we are having good times; I wonder if it will last. 116:1 The occasion of the brethren searching so diligently for their Master was, to receive from him the secret word of Masonry, which should be delivered down as a test to the fraternity of after ages.--Historical Land marks, vol. Both points of the compasses are elevated above the square, which is to teach you never to lose sight of those truly Masonic virtues, which are friendship, morality, and brotherly love. The Wardens and brethren of this Lodge require a more satisfactory proof of your fidelity to your trust, before they are willing to intrust you with the more valuable secrets of this Degree. He cometh forth as a flower, and is cut down: he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not. that my breast had been torn open, my heart plucked out, and placed upon the highest pinnacle of the Temple, there to be devoured by the vultures of the air, ere I had consented to the death of so good a man as our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff. Q. Part of the fun of masonry is finding these patterns as you memorize the ritual words.The author touches on this as much as he is able to in the untyled forum of a book available to the public while still maintaining masonic secrets, and there are no spoilers that would make lower degree masons avoid this book. 5, 6, and 7, pages 17 and 18) and ending with the grips. 129:1 THEOREM.--In any right-angled triangle, the square which is described p. 130 upon the side subtending the right angle, is equal to the squares described upon the sides which contain the right angle.--Euclid, Lib. p. 127 It testifies our faith in the resurrection of the body, and while it inculcates a practical lesson of prudence and unshrinking fidelity, it inspires the most cheering hone of that final reward which belongs alone to "just made perfect."--Lexicon. "Further, that I will acknowledge and obey all due signs and summonses sent to me from a Master Masons' Lodge, or given me by a brother of that Degree, if within the length of my cable-tow. 47. At the usual report, preceded by an inquiry involving the best interests of Masonry, the brethren are again reminded what is the chief care of a Mason. The third degree or Master Mason's Degree of the freemason order is the culmination of the Blue Lodge system. Second Ruffian--Are you going to put to sea soon? Brother Junior Deacon (turning to that officer), you will inform the Tyler. After saluting the Wardens, what did you first discover? Our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, who was slain just before the completion of King Solomon's Temple. THE MM'S BOOK by J.S.M. Time, unfolding the ringlets of her hair, denoted that time, patience, and perseverance accomplish all things. After the candidate has said Amen, and the Lodge-room has been darkened by turning down the gaslights or lamps, the conductor takes the candidate by the right arm, assists him to arise, and they proceed to travel three times around the room, travelling with the sun. W. M. (lifting the candidate up.) Ruffians--We will go back and get a pass, if that is the case. How did the Junior Warden dispose of you? The "work" known among Masons as the "Webb Work,". This is not, however, practised in city Lodges. I will suffer you to pass on to the Senior Warden's station in the west, for his examination. J. D.--To keep off all cowans and eavesdroppers, and suffer none to pass or repass, except such as are duly qualified and have the Worshipful Master's permission. On the Ground Floor of King Solomon's Temple. Here are seven things you may not know about Freemasons. W. M.--Brother Gabe, the second section of this degree exemplifies an instance of virtue, fortitude, and integrity seldom equalled, if ever excelled, in the history of man. "1st. 120:1 Respecting the lost word and its substitute, some say that King Solomon advised the change, while others affirm that the three Fellow Crafts adopted the substituted word without consulting him. degree live in Texas. xxxiv. Conductor here takes off the hoodwink and removes the cable-tow, and all around the altar place their hands in the position of the duegard of a Master Mason. You will remember you promised us, that when the Temple was completed, we should receive the secrets of a Master Mason, whereby we might travel in foreign countries, work, and receive Master's wages. --Nothing, Worshipful. I (state your name) in the presence of the most high and this worthy worshipful and warranted lodge of Master Mason's, regularly held, assembled and properly dedicated, Of my own free will and accord do hereby and Hereon most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will always hele ever conceal and never reveal any . Morgan [1827] (Murdered by Entered Apprentice Handbook. 12 days ago. W. M.--Your duty there, Brother Treasurer? A. Give me the Master's word, or I will take your life in a moment! The real memory-taxing part of Lodge ritual is in the degree work, whether the Degree conferral, or the Lectures and Charges. His death was premeditated by fifteen Fellow Crafts, who, seeing the Temple about to be completed, and being desirous of obtaining the secrets of a Master Mason, whereby they might travel in foreign countries and receive Master's wages, entered into a horrid conspiracy to extort them from our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, or take his life; but, reflecting with horror on the atrocity of the crime, twelve of them recanted; the other three persisted in their murderous designs. and sits down near the candidate. With these lectures he returned to Vermont, and submitted them to the Grand Lodge, at its annual session in October, 1817. Not!to!be!consulted!in!any!Lodge!or! that my breast had been torn open, my heart plucked out and placed upon the highest pinnacle of the Temple, there to be devoured by the vultures of the air, ere I had consented to the death of so good a man as our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff.' The Badge of a Mason signifies, among other things, that Masons are workers and builders. These are taught in the ritual and lectures of the Entered Apprentice Degree. Ruffian--You have (here Master seizes the candidate more fiercely, and affects a great earnestness of purpose) escaped "Jubela" and "Jubelo"; me you cannot escape; my name is "Jubelum!" Jewels, Chains, Collars & The Worshipful Master, who ordered me to the Senior Warden in the west, who taught me how to wear my apron as a Master Mason. Second Ruffian, Jubelo, generally the S. W. in the west. Ancient!Free!&!Accepted!Masons! One system says fifteen Fellow Crafts went in search; another, twelve; and asserts that the three (murderers) left the sprig of acacia: others affirm that it was the recanters who placed it there as a mark. The animal was then divided into two parts, and placed north and south, that the parties to the covenant may pass between them from east to west, and the carcase was then left as a prey to voracious animals. On his last day on earth, it was bright, sunny and warm. The Master either reads or repeats the following from a Monitor, which by many is committed to memory; but when he has the "work" (i.e., that part which is not monitorial), it is not necessary that he should commit to memory what is called the Master's carpet of emblems, but as it is a part of the initiation of the Third Degree, the author proposes to give it in its regular order of Lodge business. 'The five points of fellowship are--foot to foot, knee to knee, breast to breast, hand to back, and cheek to cheek, or mouth to ear. B. not only lived to finish all the work, in whatever capacity he might have been engaged, but also, according to the testimony of Josephus, who calls him ABDEMON, he returned to Tyre, and died there at a good old age.--The Freemason's Treasury, pp. have you seen any strangers pass this way? At the same time the Senior Warden steps to his stand, and turns up the column on his desk at his right. Then, by the benefit of the pass--a pure and blameless life--with a firm reliance on Divine Providence, shall we gain ready admission into that Celestial Lodge above, where the Supreme Grand Warden forever presides--forever reigns. S. D.--He has it not, but I have it for him. In the centre, where I was caused to kneel, and implore the blessings of Deity. It is very singular, that, a man so celebrated as Hiram Abiff was, universally acknowledged as the third most distinguished man then living, and, in many respects, the greatest man in the world, should pass from off the stage of action, in the presence of King Solomon, three thousand three hundred grand overseers, and one hundred and fifty thousand workmen, with whom he had spent a number of years, and with King Solomon, his bosom friend, without any of his numerous confrres even recording his death, or any thing, A Master Masons' Lodge is styled by the Craft the "Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies, of King Solomon's Temple," and when the Lodge is opened on this Degree, both points of the compasses are elevated above the square. The Master silently steps to the east, near the candidate's head, and strikes the hour of low twelve (which is twelve o'clock at night) on a triangle or bell. were GRAVELOT, QUIBO, and AKIROP. As they approach the west, the Senior Warden steps out as did the Junior Warden, facing the candidate, and, clinching him by the collar more roughly than the Junior Warden, exclaiming as follows: S. W. (Second Ruffian.) How came he to be assassinated at that hour? A. In Scotland the arrangement is east, south, and west. Capt.--They were three brothers, workmen from the Temple, seeking a passage to Ethiopia, but, not having King Solomon's pass, were not able to obtain one, and returned back into the country. (Pronounced by conductor--Tubal Cain.). A. Morgan [1827] (Murdered by . paragraph 6. Not since high twelve yesterday, &c., &c. J. G. W.--Most Worshipful King Solomon, diligent search has been made. The trowel is an instrument made use of by operative Masons to spread the cement, which unites a building into one common mass; but we, as free and accepted Masons, are taught to make use of it for the more noble and glorious purpose of spreading the cement of brotherly love and affection, &c., &c. (See Monitor for the balance of this answer, or page 99 of this work.). J. W.--By what further right or benefit does he expect to gain admission? According to the Jewish law, no interments were permitted within the walls of the city, and as it was unlawful for the cohens or priests to pass over a grave, it became necessary to place marks wherever a dead body had been interred, to enable them to avoid it. W. M.--You will attend to that part of your duty, and inform the Tyler that we are about to close this Lodge, and direct him to tyle accordingly. In one form of the Degree of Elect of Fifteen, they assume the Protean names of JUBELA-KURMAVIL (another corruption of Cromwell), JUBELO-GRAVELOT, and JUBELUM-AKIROP.--The Freemason's Treasury, pp. pdf, Morals and Dogma, by Albert Pike [1872] Universal benevolence you are always to cultivate; and, by the regularity of your own behavior, afford the best example for the conduct of others less informed. 1. ii. 16, p. Complete Master Mason Study Guide - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 9, p. 36), and then lets his hand slip off in a careless manner, and reports: "Most Worshipful King Solomon, owing to the high state of putrefaction, it having been dead already fifteen days, the skin slips, and the body cannot be raised.". You will therefore suffer yourself to be again hoodwinked, and kneel where you are, and pray orally or mentally, as you please. Another says: "What course shall we pursue? 100% (50) 100% found this document useful (50 votes) Masonic lectures cover various aspects of the moral and spiritual teachings of Freemasonry and explanations of the symbols. : before Caiaphas. On entering the second time, you were received on the angle of the square, which was also explained to you. W. M.--Why in the east, and his duty there? W. M.-- Why in the west, and your duty there, Brother Senior? 143. The MASTER MASON represents a man under the doctrine of love, saved from the grave of iniquity, and raised to the faith of salvation. This is also used occasionally by some Masters in the lecture: S. W.--At the right hand of the Senior Warden in the west. First, the Entered Apprentice Degree, second, the Fellow Craft Degree and finally, the Master Mason Degree. No designs are drawn on the trestle-board, and for this reason many of us are idle. These instances, some of which have been thought worthy of preservation in the ineffable Degrees, were not numerous. (See Note Q, Appendix.). This Master Mason Quiz may be used by any member of the Lodge who seeks more light. K. S.--Was the Master's word, or a key to it, or any thing appertaining to the Master's Degree, on or about it? 6, p. Freemasonry, the teachings and practices of the fraternal (men-only) order of Free and Accepted Masons, the largest worldwide secret societyan oath-bound society, often devoted to fellowship, moral discipline, and mutual assistance, that conceals at least some of its rituals, customs, or activities from the public (secret societies do not necessarily conceal their membership or existence). of an acacia, which easily giving way, excited his curiosity: upon examination they found it to be a grave. W. M.--Brother Gabe, you will now take your seat in this Lodge as a Master Mason, after stepping to the Secretary's desk. "The pillar of Wisdom represents Solomon, King of Israel, whose wisdom contrived the mighty fabric; the pillar of Strength, Hiram, king of Tyre, who strengthened Solomon in his grand undertaking; the pillar of Beauty, Hiram Abiff, the widow's son, whose cunning craft and curious workmanship beautified and adorned the Temple. [paragraph continues] Lodge, that they having due and timely notice, may govern themselves accordingly. Now, as in p. 138 the former case, this arrangement would be impossible before the pillars were erected or the Middle Chamber built: and if it he pretended that any such plan was adopted after they were finished, the tragic drama could not be true because it professes to have been enacted before the Temple was completed. generally the W. M. in the east. To attain the 32nd degree, for example, a Freemason must have been a Master Mason for at least 14 years, have been elected Master of the Lodge, and have satisfactorily served the Supreme Council. 113:1 CASSIA--sometimes improperly and ignorantly used for acacia. Free shipping. King Solomon then ordered the twelve Fellow Crafts to go in search of the body, and, if found, to observe whether the Master's word, or a key to it, or any thing appertaining to the Master's Degree, was on or about it. Again, the Master, one. this work, would not be out of place, as it will account to the reader for the difference existing between Masonic "works" in the several States, and in Europe: "In the year 1817, Brother John Barney, formerly of Charlotte, Vermont, went to Boston, and obtained possession of the Preston Lectures, taught there by Gleason, and approved by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. 35 The three (blows) were given with the three (tools, i.e., gauge, square, and gavel). During this degree, the importance of education and work, and the awesome power of God, are taught to the Mason. Senior Deacon gives three loud knocks (), which are responded to by one () from the parties outside. 112.) Second Ruffian--Then let us flee into the interior parts of the country, and avoid being taken as long as possible. or Best Offer. In the character of a Master Mason, you are authorized to correct the errors and irregularities of your uninformed brethren, and to guard them against a breach of fidelity. , worshipful master, senior warden, king solomon, fellow craft, tracing board, solemn obligation, great architect, master mason, middle chamber, junior warden Collection . A. Codes, Documents, Grand Lodge of Nevada Entered Apprentice Ritual in 105:1 In the progress of Masonry during the last century the fatal weapons underwent several changes. S. D--In search of further light in Masonry. We were sent in haste and on urgent business; there was nothing said about giving us a pass, and we presume it was forgotten, or not deemed necessary. Amen.". 112:1 The system of Freemasonry, as practised in different countries and at different periods, is not uniform on this subject; and I feel so little at liberty to bring forward evidence on such a delicate point, that I am afraid it will he impossible to place it clearly before the brethren. A. you with my right hand, and with it the pass and token of the pass of a Master Mason. If lodge functions go smoothly, it is the Master who takes the credit. [paragraph continues] Warden three raps, and the Worshipful Master three raps. THE ceremony of opening and conducting the business of a Lodge of Master Masons is nearly the same as in the Entered Apprentice and Fellow Crafts' Degrees, already explained. We are told, if we do not find the ruffians we must be punished--put to death, probably. A. This you will communicate to the Junior Warden in the south, and he to the brethren about the. 140:1 The questions and answers in this lecture, relative to the disposition of the body and its discovery, &c., &c., are precisely like the historical part of this Degree, page 122, or that portion describing the conferring of the Degree, page 107. Both points of the compasses elevated above the square, which was to teach me never to lose sight of those truly Masonic virtues, which are friendship, morality, and brotherly love. In one account, the brethren disperse widely, east, west, and south; in another, they keep within hail of each other.--Historical Landmarks, vol. Hiram is presented as the chief architect of King Solomon's Temple. Amen. . Ward PREFACE THE third degree in Freemasonry is termed the Sublime Degree and the title is truly justified. King Solomon, believing him to be indisposed, ordered strict search and due inquiry to be made for him through the several apartments of the Temple, that he might be found, if possible. (nothing being said, Worshipful Master continues): We will then proceed to close; but, before doing so, I would say to Brother Gabe (the candidate)--Is he present? that my throat had been cut across, my tongue torn out by its roots, and buried in the rough sands of the sea, at low-water mark, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty-four hours, ere I had been accessory to the death of so good a man as our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff.' ), "Kneeling on both my naked knees, both hands resting on the Holy Bible, square, and compasses.". Conductor--From the "real grip" of a Fellow Craft to the pass grip of a Master Mason. Aprons, Royal Arch Jewels, Chains, Collars & Brother Junior Deacon. Q. --Brother Gabe, I presume you now consider yourself a Master Mason, and, as such, entitled to all the privileges of a Master Mason, do you not? The second was that of Jubelo, exclaiming: 'Oh! As they start, the conductor commences to relate to the candidate the following: Conductor--Brother, it was the usual custom of our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff (this is the first he hears about Hiram Abiff), to enter into the unfinished "Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies," of King Solomon's Temple, each day at high twelve, while the craft were called from labor to refreshment, for the purpose of drawing out his designs upon the trestle-board, whereby the craft might pursue their labors; after which, it was further his custom to offer up his devotions to the Deity. The Master should instruct the candidate (and he generally does) how to make the signs before he gets up from the altar, after taking the obligation. Jubelum!! 1 This word cannot be given in any other way, and by Masons is considered a test of all book Masons. They travelled as before, and after fifteen days of weary travel and hardships, one of the brethren, being more weary than the rest, sat down on the brow of a hill, west of Mount Moriah, to rest and refresh himself, and, on attempting to rise, caught hold. Upon which we rushed in, seized and bound the ruffians, and now have them before your majesty.". W. M. (two raps, all the officers rise to their feet.) K. S.--No work laid out--no designs drawn on the trestle-board? First Craftsman--Hallo, friend! We read in the Bible, that Hiram Abiff was one of the head workmen employed at the building of King Solomon's Temple, and other ancient writings inform us that he was an arbiter between King Solomon and Hiram, king of Tyre; but his tragical death is nowhere recorded, except in the archives of Freemasonry. These are ideally delivered from memory, and we work very hard to. 30 WM: As further evidence that all present are Master Masons, receive the pass-word from the Senior SW: (S) Worshipful Master. What have we done? blessed be God, we pause not our feet at the first or second step; but, true to our principles, look forward for greater light. Q. (See Fig. That which was lost, which, by my endeavors and his assistance, I was in hope to find. First Ruffian, Jubela, generally the J. W. in the south. (Sits down.). "Discovering Freemasonry" is an 8-part series presented by Rubicon Masonic Society which is an invitation only private group of Master Mason Freemasons locat. What! Masons use memory craft for a variety of purposes. The Master Mason has the right to visit lodges throughout the world. A. JD: To see that they are duly tyled. Captain--What! WM: The first great care of Masons when convened. shall be to a worthy Brother Master Mason, or. no pass. A. (See engraving.). Our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, having finished his usual exercises, attempted to retire at the south gate, where he was accosted by Jubela, who thrice demanded of him the secrets of a Master Mason, or the Master's word; and, on being refused, gave him a blow with the twenty-four-inch gauge across the throat, upon which he fled, and attempted to pass out at the west gate, where he was accosted by Jubelo, who, in like manner, thrice demanded of him the secrets of a Master Mason, or the Master's word; and, on his being refused, gave him a blow with a square across his breast, upon which he fled, and attempted to make his escape out at the east gate, where he was accosted by Jubelum, who, in like manner, thrice demanded of him the secrets of a Master .Mason, or the Master's word: and, on his being refused, gave him a violent blow with a setting-maul, on his forehead, which felled him dead on the spot. Where the same questions were asked and like answers given as at the door. 146:1 "In the performance of a ceremony so solemn and momentous as the closing of a Mason's Lodge, every member has a lively interest. These facts will account for the want of agreement between the East and the West and Southwest, as to what are the true Barney Lectures. --Nothing, Worshipful (some say), in the west. At best, critics alleged, men made Masons in a day or two would undoubtedly be the fastest ones to leave. What induced you to become a Master Mason? --Nothing, Worshipful. At the command of the Worshipful Master, the Senior Warden performs his duty, after seeing that the brethren have received their due proportion of Masonic instruction and improvement; and the whole concludes with an impressive address to the brethren on their respective duties as men and Masons, when pursuing their accustomed avocations in the world; and with a fervent petition to the Deity, supplicating his blessing on the fraternity wheresoever dispersed under the wide canopy of heaven."--Theo. A. To signify that my duties and obligations become more and more binding as I advance in Masonry. Conductor--Cain. of Royal and Select Masters, Royal Master Degree, Order of Royal and Select Masters, Most Excellent Master The avenues to the Lodge are carefully inspected by the meridian officer, whose knowledge and fidelity have entitled him to the confidence of the brethren, and, after he had publicly proclaimed the security of the Lodge, the business of closing proceeds. They meet in the Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies of King Solomon's Temple.". All eyes are upon the Master. I recently visited an amazing King Solomon's Temple replica in Sao Paulo, Brasil. and inculcated by Robert Morris,1 is generally accepted as the "Work" of ancient origin, and there is not much doubt but that it will be adopted by the Grand Lodges throughout the United States.