not very regular in taking the pill on time, I had bad mood swings so I stopped taking the pill after a week of using it, 3 days later I started bleeding for about 3-4 days. ': Causes Of Sudden Menstrual Cycle Irregularities, Missed Period But Not Pregnant: Possible Reasons For A Late Menstrual Bleeding, Implantation Bleeding: A Very Early Pregnancy Sign, Trying to conceive after the contraceptive pill. Your thoughts? Hi im 26 and have been off Microgynon 30 for 2 months this month. I came off the pill in August 2015 I had two normal periods then went 35 days and had a period for 6 days then a break for 3 days then a bleed for 20 days then a 17 day break then a bleed for 40 days then 11 day break then a bleed for 25 days then a 5 day break and so far been bleeding for 21 days I saw my doctor in October where he did a full blood count an ovarian cancer test and thryoid and hormone blood tests which all came back clear I dont know what to do now as my emotions are all over the place and the bleeding is getting me down feel like going back on the pill although I dont really want to. I still havent had my period, and I noticed that my belly is swelling as the days go by. Therefore, your body may adjust after stopping the pill and some weight loss may . Answers. Hi, I came off the pill 4 months ago after 10 years on the pill, still no period, boobs have disappeared and now Ive started to gets spots on my forehead. My prospective next period will be on February 27. Thank you for your article, it is very helpful. What form of hormone replacement should i take if any? In most cases, sore nipples are caused by hormonal changes from pregnancy or menstruation, allergies or friction from clothing. I came off the pill 3 months ago, I had my usual withdrawal bleed a week or so later then my cycles returned straight away, however they are now only 21-22 days long and my periods are shorter, now 2-3 days. I felt strange, had crying bouts, and didnt feel myself. no period yet while taking yaz birth control pills. When your menstrual cycles are healthy you shouldnt be experiencing that degree of pain. Similarly, other life events like menopause or beginning puberty can also cause your hormones to shift, triggering side effects like nipple pain. The same hormones that cause overall breast soreness during perimenopause may also lead to tender or sensitive areas within your breasts. I have IBS so I have a bloated tummy most of the time. Unfortunately it is common after coming off the pill for it to take anywhere from 6 months to a year for your cycles to return normally. I have been on birth control for roughly 9 years. 2014;(1). So after getting off the pill, you may be welcoming back your long lost libido! Or do i have to wait for my period do come before taking it? Fertile family, as my sister also conceived immediately with her twins, and then again with DS. Using fertility awareness takes the guessing out of the equation by allowing you to identify the days you are fertile and act accordingly. Good luck! PLEASE HELP, Hopeful New Yorker UPDATE* I just cant find much clinical info on the pill and its effects on the body after stopping them and I do understand that every body is different. Yet, I saw your information about not having sore breasts, which I have. The first month was fine but the pack I finished on Jan 9 was a nightmare. Its especially common in runners (joggers nipple) and athletes. Either way what you are experiencing falls outside of the normal and healthy parameters of the menstrual cycle, so you may wish to consider seeking support! Sometimes all your nipples need is some time to heal. There are so many things to address after coming off the pill to bring you back to optimal health. Also, read many women who have had several negative home tests, and were in fact pregnant. When I initially went on the pill, it was bc I maybe had 4-5 periods a year so my primary doc wanted to regulate me. me and my bf have decided for me to stop taking bc just to see what happens. Thank you so much for the information! Simple answer would to be to go back on the pill. Stopping BC Pills: Yes it is normal.When you stop birth control pills you can feel like you are pregnat and it is common to have sore breasts and sore nipples. Im thinking about stopping the pill since it seems to be prolonging my period instead of getting rid of it! Am 22 yrs old. Can this be the side effect of the pill? You may want to consider charting your cycles, then you can confidently identify ovulation without having to guess. Wednesday i noticied my nipples were sore. Have you considered working with a naturopath or acupuncturist to get to the root of what is causing your menstrual pain? These services are youth friendly. When will this stop tho ? For example in the article How the pill messes with womens minds Jill Foster describes her experience: We both knew my behaviour wasnt normal. Was reading a lot about my period not coming for several months after going off the pill. It will help you to decide how long to take it for! Since your period isnt a real period but a withdrawal bleed you can start taking your pill at any time. Just click here. Good Day! For many women, the pill has an effect on their overall mood. then after 2-3 days we had sex i noticed that i had a brown discharged in my undies. I came off cerezette in February 2016 ttc, my first period returned after about a month they are worse than before I was on the pill, headaches only lasted about a month, feeling sick sore breasts basically feeling like you were pregnant but wasnt, if I wasnt trying for a baby I would rather be on pill than suffering like this, at the moment Im having a 7 day bleed heavy and painful every 14 to 16 days which my doctor told me can be normal while the hormones sort themselves out, but everyone is different. Woo-hoo! I just want to know if I could possibly be pregnant or if my cycle will take a while to sort itself out. But these methods require more planning and preparation than the ease of being able to take a pill and not have to think about it. PMS. I noticed I was ovulating for like a week, then a week later or so, I had little cramps and my belt line area just where my ovaries were, were causing slight swelling. Youd have to take a pregnancy test to be sure! The only way to confirm if it is a real period is to figure out if youre ovulating. I didnt know I couldve ovulated that quickly after stopped the pill..I took a hpt yesterday it said negative probably cause its to early but I will test again soonif that was my actually 1st period off the pill I guess I probably ovulated sometime on the 3 week in june if I experienced implantation bleeding or if that was just a 2nd period but just acting kinda crazy, Hi,i take off my pills last monday july 18 because the doctor advice me to stop the pills due to my hypertension my last meanstruation was on july 2 i was worried to become pregnant again because im on the medicine for hypertension and my son was only 7 months old can you give me an advice thanks. Im possible pregnant or side effects for the pill. After going off the pill i then bleed really heavily for 8 days or any advice? Was on it for about 5 months. Pregnancy: What will happen to your breasts? Should I avoid these types of birth control as I am obviously sensitive to it. Last year I was prescribed Yasmin, after being on the injection and a year later they found cysts on my ovaries and was immediately put on Ginnette 35 to treat it. Please help me to give some information. I am expierencing the same thing. Your mood may fluctuate. My boyfriend decided he really didnt want to have a kid so I got on Mononessa in November. Hi Nicole. Pls what could be the problem. I have an appointment with my GYN this week. Sore breasts after morning after pill A 23-year-old female asked: I took a morning after pill called navela (levonorgestrel 1.5) the day after i did it unprotected (my partner pulled out early but took it anyways). Was on carazette. Went off the pill last month after 4 years of being on it. A short delay of two to three months before having a period is not unusual. It helps you to know when youre ovulating and also know if youre pregnant within 2 weeks of ovulation. after taking off the pill i immediately have my period and it takes it for almost three weeks. You may observe cyclical changes in your breasts as they change andbecome more full and tender after ovulation. In the case of cancer or other breast diseases, treatment could involve radiation, chemotherapy, surgery or a mastectomy (surgically removing your breasts). addotional info: I was on the pill for 6 months due to severe endometriosis ( had surgery in 2009, tried to use BC to postpone new surgery). My period lasts about 5-7 days but then I get the brown spotting that you get at the start and end continue for a couple of weeks after. I have been off the pill for about a month when I was expecting my period all I got was cramping and a few spots. Or an Arvigo therapy practitioner? Keep in mind that the bleeding you experienced on the pill isnt actually menstruation, its more like a fake period caused by the withdrawal of the artificial hormones. >:( >:( >:( >:(. Hi I stopped taking it its been a week Im having abdomen pain everyday . "Again, this is due to the pill having a high dose of progesterone," says Hoskins. I stopped taking my bcp on the 19th of last month, my period was a week early and then the following week I had a normal period on time. my nipples have been sore as H for almost two weeks and I can't stand it so yes it is most def. But he only puts it on just before releasing. I usually trust doctors I see over the internet. Never disregard or delay professional medical advice in person because of anything on HealthTap. 1 complaint among women no longer sexually interested in their husbands is that they can no longer stand how they smell and if you cant stand how someone smells, you cannot be intimate. Less common side effects of the birth control pill include: blood clots. You may also want to listen to this podcast addressing what to do after coming off hormonal contraceptives especially if your period hasnt returned: Is this normal? I am feeling very confused, lost and conflicted. Hello! When Does The Birth Control Pill Start Working? My mood swings and uncharacteristic tearful outbursts were, we decided, down to the Microgynon contraceptive Pill Id started taking several months earlier. I have had this too ! I bled (assuming that was withdrawal bleeding?) But I am struggling with this issue: I have been on the pill for about 5 months and developed a severe depression packed with anxiety and panic attacks, nothing like Ive ever experienced before. My breast has been tender and I have been experiencing minor abdominal pain. Sometimes, you may be given a supply to take home with you. I have stopped taking the pill when I realised that it may be the cause for my unusual state it has been about 1 month since I stopped the intake of oral contraception and I feel my levels of anxiety changing at all times, from low to high and I am specifically anxious about future, past and my relationship with my partner, which I feel has become quite distanced, and I often overthink everything we talk about and everything he says to me, and perceive it in a negative manner My life has mostly come back to normal after stopping the pill but not yet perfectly back to how it used to be Is it supposed to be like this? im googling sore nipples/breasts cuz i have them right now (past few days) and stopped my pills last month as i was 2 weeks in. so before the pills i had a period, then started pills and stopped 2 weeks later, then had a random light period for like 2-3 days, and now im just waiting for it again. For some this can be . The pill offers temporary relief by masking these symptoms, but the underlying health issues causing the symptoms continue happening in the background and can be much worse when the time finally comes to go off the pill. You may want to consider working with a practitioner who specializes in functional medicine like a naturopath who specializes in fertility. Hi mam i just stop taking pills a month ago after my period and now im 1week delayed is it possible for me to get pregnant after 3 consicutive months taking pills? Thanks, Yes I feel this kind of pain too at least now I know Im not alone I kind of feel sharp pain in my v and abdomen, sometimes mild sometimes too sharp. I am experiencing the same nipple problem and wondered if it was coming off the pill. I am not sure if this is a regular period or not. 2. I know this is old but i had a question. It is an important distinction that women should be made aware of. Coughing up blood. I had my withdrawal bleed for 5 days starting May 6th. Call your doctor or 911 if you think you may have a medical emergency. It will be happen when my period will come.. Hi there! Do antibiotics lead to hormonal contraceptive failure? I just dont know what to do! This means 8 in 100 people taking the pill will get pregnant each year. also sometimes feeling nauseous.. is it because of stopping the pills? The pill prevents ovulation and as a result, the period that women experience while on the pill isnot actually a period. I had spotting 13 days before my expected period, sore nipples, very tired, light headed twice, heart burn, emotional, and some cm. Can the Birth Control Pill Cause Weight Gain? It is withdrawal bleeding. I was on it for 8 years religiously. I recently started taking the pills but decided to stop which I did. The pill isnt the answer for most women: How To Prevent Pregnancy After Unprotected Sex, Short-term cancer risks associated with oral contraceptives are balanced by longer term benefits, Return of fertility after discontinuation of contraception: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Combination contraceptives: effects on weight, Noncontraceptive use of oral combined hormonal contraceptives in polycystic ovary syndromerisks versus benefits, Use of estrogen-containing contraception is associated with increased concentrations of 25-hydroxy vitamin D. Hi Zara, the bleeding you experienced while you were on the pill wasnt a real period. Hi , I am on the pill but stopped it because I was taking anti biotics and thought the pill would be killed. Any advice is immensely appreciated! Let your healthcare provider know you're quitting birth control pills, and ask about ways to get your daily vitamin D, whether by spending more time outside (with SPF! a hormonal change but could it be because of the pills or pregnancy??? Then in December I started experiencing lower abdominal cramping and decided to come off the pill altogether at the end of December. Not even light spotting. I was worried so i decided this pill thing wasnt going to work so i talked to my boyfriend and made up my mind not to take it anymore. Also, some people have reported a phenomenon called Mirena crash after the removal. Its been 3 weeks and I have been cramping and all that jazz that comes with PMS, but I was wondering if pregnancy could actually be a factor, not planning on it, just ehhhhh kinda frustrating dealing with these hormones. Cells. ;-). Before I went on BC I never had an irregular period in my life 5 day periods, 28 day cycle. The hormones in most types of the Pill can help stop acne from forming. Well Ive been thinking of going back on it since me and my boyfriend are house hunting and decided to not let any surprises come before we have more space and comfortable . I have been on the pill for about 10 years. Cause I had a job offer abroad and my theyre giving me a few days to decide. Thank you. Anyone got any concrete information out there? It actually is not the exact same tissue that is being shed whether you ovulate or not. So going off the pill could mean your breasts start to feel a little more sensitive post-ovulation, said Dr. Klein. Side Effects. Sore nipples alone dont mean you have cancer. And, not to sound nasty, it had a smell. I started my bc back up for a couple days then my husband and I decided we are going to try for a baby so i would discontinue taking my pill. Thank you again for this article Or are they likey to become a much larger cup again? 6. Its unsettling, but more of a nuisance. In rare cases, it can be a sign of a serious disease like breast cancer. I was diagnosed with ovarian cysts a year and a half ago after having a severely heavy and painful period. Hi Emma, it is extremely common for it to take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years for your cycles to return normally. Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. Your breasts might get smaller and they wont be sore and tender all the time. Is this normal? 8. Please, I would be so grateful if you could please answer my question! I decided to give my body a break and go off them in April of 2016. Post-pill side effects are often similar to those right before a period, and may include cramps, bloating and mood swings - but keep in mind that these can be more intense than your average PMS episode on the pill. I am so excited and thrilled about this whole process, and I do not want to set myself up for disappointment, Hello, Learn how we can help 5.9k views Reviewed >2 years ago Thank Dr. Alan Ali and another doctor agree 1 thank Also, I dont have any underlying medical condition like PCOs or endometriosis. Hi Amy, Its possible that you could be pregnant but the only way to know would be to test. Hie I came off the pill end of November 2015 since then I have been spotting non stopOn March the spotting stopped after 2weeks I was having some pains ,pains like period pains then in the morning I saw my first periods since I came off the pill it was my first period it lasted 4 to 5 there any chances to get pregnant, Hey there..On Tuesday 23rd feb I started using microgynon pills I was taking one pill everyday at 8am in the morning I havent had a proper period yet which after five months is unusual I think so going to the doctors in a week. I have stopped taking the pill two and a half month ago, after over 7 years on it. I am new to all of this symptoms. This may help to lessen the onslaught when your period returns. I am only 22 though and am hoping that my body will spring back easily, but it is rather difficult to plan. I cant take this pain anymore. In December, I had very light red spotting for about a week. When progesterone levels rise in the post-ovulatory phase women may notice their breasts feeling a bit tender and more full until menstruation when they tend to become less full and stop feeling tender and sore. I took birth control for about 2 months. No, your body doesn't need time to clear birth control from your system. It usually takes a few cycles for your periods to return and get back to normal. This month was a relief. Wear well-supporting bra. And two people taking the same pill could still have different experiences when they quit. For many women, myself included, it wasnt until I went off the pill that I really had the opportunity to learn how my body works and observe the cyclical changes that occur throughout each menstrual cycle. If I have my period within June, is that my natural period already? I am worried about spotting thing is now 2months since I came off the pill. I had sore and enlarged breast bt I thought my body was regulating to the BC well in May, 2017 I started experiencing really bad anxiety and depression.