Research shows . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Only Jeremy Corbyn as leader offered us 31,100 compensation, which was sabotaged by the present Labour leader Starmer, and his fellow saboteurs against Labour winning 2019 general election. Justice for Oladeji Omishore - funding a judicial review of the IOPC, Help stop climate-wrecking gas caverns in Larne Lough, Save university pensions, and save the planet, there was maladministration in DWP's communication about National Insurance qualifying years, there was maladministration in DWP's complaint handling, maladministration in DWP's communication about State Pension age and about National Insurance qualifying years, and its complaint handling. We will be publishing our legal arguments soon, but for now we want to share the introductory words from the witness statement WASPIs Chair and Director of Finance, Angela Madden, has submitted to the Court. . Those conclusions and the DWPs response to them were heartening. I take 5 different tablets a day, so if that did happen to me, I would have to seriously think about cutting down. I would like to point out we were given to believe the new pension would mean we would be better off. This is where the Ombudsman will consider the DWPs complaint handling process. Some were forced to stay in work or fell into poverty, spending their life savings. I dont even know how this could have been lawful, but never seems to have been picked up in all the ensuing arguements. The Coalition Government legislated in the Pensions Act 2011 to accelerate the latter part of this timetable, starting in April 2016 when women's SPA was 63 so that it reached 65 in November 2018, at which point it started to rise to 66 by October 2020. As always finger on the pulse!what happened to Labours more generous proposal at the last ( or one before) election. persons being held responsible as to were it went etc renationalise energy companies so lowered prices immediately in government. They call themselves Waspi women, which stands for Women Against State Pension Injustice, and refuse to give up the fight. His initial investigation report, published in 2021, found clear maladministration in the communication of pensions law changes. This includes circumstances where the individual may be affected permanently, or where recovery is likely to take several years, and cases involving an avoidable death. ThankYou David for your support and reporting on the plight of All 50s. Nationwide offers Britons a 1million prize draw - could you win? Sorry to say, but I dont think that I am the only female to have to consider these extreme measures. As promised, we are now in a position to share our legal arguments about where the Ombudsman has gone wrong in deciding whether WASPI women have suffered injustice. Provision should be made to pay 1950 and 1960 women the difference in lifetime discrimination as compensation which is fair and can be calculated. They argued that they did not get proper warning for the change, and many did not realise they would have to work for up to six years longer until the last minute. FURTHER INFORMATION Scotland, Ulster and Wales have free prescriptions for all ages the same. The Admin of Modern Day Suffragettes permitted members to make up their own mind in a poll on their Facebook page and showed a lot of moral support. But we know it is a National Insurance Fund pension system. Labour was not awarding us, as it was not in their published manifesto. She said 3.6m women which covers April 1960 to April 1960. And the particular type of injustice the Ombudsman identifies is what forms the basis for his recommendations on remedies, including any compensation. I am afraid the rest stands.I have read both PHSO reports and it is only partial maladministration and this was not challenged by Waspi.. I am actually worse off than a friend who is on the basic pension who gets it topped up with pension credit and she actually receives just over 7 than me! resurrect fully public NHS, There was and remains no pension pot. While the Ombudsman cannot reinstate state pensions, revert the state pension age, or recommend a reimbursement of lost pensions, it can make some recommendations. Ms De Spon, from Wymondham, said: "The . After all, it was the Government that raided our pension pots and they should repay it without delay, obfuscation or maladministration. Campaigners refuse to put a figure on how much compensation they want, but previous calculations suggest that if they do get anything, it might be substantial. Clement Attlee won in 1945 against the war hero Winston Churchill and gave us all that we have pretty well lost now. This has negatively affected not just the individual women, but their families too. 22 per cent pay rise for nurses and Junior Doctors, What was said was; We cannot consider the financial consequences of changes in the law about when women can claim their State Pension. Indeed, looking at paragraphs 290 to 293 of the provisional report, it is quite possible that there will be no financial remedy at all. How can one particular group of women be more penalised then the rest. sole compensation to 1960s ladies (turning 60 since 2020) GREY SWANS ONLY WAY TO GET 35,000 COMPENSATION and tapered compensation to 1960s ladies. Perhaps youre thinking of a different topic. I presume you agreed with the PHSO in keeping the second report secret until next year if you have it officially been given it.I didnt see why 3.8 million women should have to wait while an elite decides-what was good for them . Liberal Democrats leader Sir Ed Davey has now pledged his backing for the Waspi womens campaign for fair and fast compensation on behalf of 3.8 million women. This report. I even had a source recently in the DWP leaking to my blog when pensioners were being particularly badly treated by the DWP. In February, the PHSO called for the DWP to submit more evidence related to the communication of state pension changes, which the ombudsman needed in order for the second stage of the investigation to continue.. Now they are more optimistic than ever that they will get thousands of pounds each to compensate for the decision to increase the State Pension age to 66 for women with inadequate warning. The Ombudsman will not budge. It all sounds great ,I have lived through (the pound in your pocket),(tightening our belts) (jam tomorrow ) (all in it togetherha ha) the grey suites will not allow it .they got a big shock when we voted BREXIT.they will not allow such a thing again (as a truck driver I worked more hours under the common market and eu ,driving about and talking to people I saw the 08 crash coming and the vote no..they told the waspi women there was no money,then along comes covid,Ukraine (plenty for war mongering and then the icing on the cake 1000 illegals across the channel that they can not stop (really ? ) In the past the Ombudsmans decisions and those of his predecessors have been overturned where they have been irrational that is, illogical or unsupported by established facts or procedurally unfair. Read Free Health Risks And Fair Compensation In The Fire Service Risk Systems And . Waspi women are fighting hard for compensation, Had no idea! WASPI woman, 70, frustrated at state pension age change, WASPI widow, 66, faces 'dire' circumstances as energy bills soar, Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey holds up his Waspi pledge, WASPI woman caring for brother-in-law slams state pension sum, WASPI women celebrate huge boost to state pension age campaign, Sir Keir Starmer gave his backing for Waspi womens struggle for compensation, Waspi woman's desperate step after State Pension snub. There is a Pension Calculator on line where women affected by the pension change can put in their date of birth, to find out how much compensation they can expect. State pension age is set to rise to 68 - when will you retire? Previously, the state pension age was set at 60 for women and 65 for men, but this underwent a process of equalisation to ensure gender equality and fairness. My concern over the leaks is that youre providing snippets of the full 50 page document which really needs to be read in full to be understood. Rather than giving out snippets of the report with no context, you really should have waited till the report was officially published so that it can be read fully. The DWP failed to carry out a proper Equality Impact Assessment on its policy implementation of 1995 pension act and subsequent laws this breaches the Public Sector Equality Duty part of the Equality Act. People of State Pension age may be due extra 201 each week from April,Successful new claims for Pension Credit may also qualify for the 900 cost of living payment. And to social medicine (in our case NHS). Consequently, they lost out on income not only from the six years of State Pension, but also from the income they would have received had they stayed working. On behalf of every member of WASPI, and all 1950s women in similar positions, we want to express our heartfelt thanks for all the donations made so far to our crowdfunding campaign to raise the money needed to challenge the Ombudsmans astonishing and legally flawed findings about the injustice we have suffered. WASPI is only a complaint about a government department, now going through the Ombudsman, who are merely employees of government and not politicians in parliament. The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) had denied that maladministration repeatedly in public and in its greatly delayed responses to the complaints we made. Recommendation(s):- Labour to commit to a one-off compensation scheme is needed, consisting of a single payment for each woman of between 11,666 and 20,000. As mentioned previously, our legal team has put our arguments to the Ombudsman. She told the audience that WASPI was still proceeding with a case with the Parliamentary Ombudsman to get compensation. So wont that mean I get compensation for that? Its terrible how we have been treated. It takes great courage to report honestly on uncomfortable.fortable home truths that some may not wish to hear People can and do make mistakes and yes the sound may not have been good but at least have the decency to admit your mistake. 4 March 2021. Delighted to help. One year ago this month, Waspi women were celebrating a ruling by the Parliamentary & Health Service Ombudsman. This morning WASPI pledged 954 to the appeal on behalf of those who have made donations on our website, , between 23 - 26 February. The main point I take from your useful article is that the Ombudsman is unlikely to recommend anything like the compensation many are expecting to receive. 10,000 is nowhere near what has been stolen from me. Take care when writing your will five mistakes to avoid or your f State Pension triple lock doomed as axing it will save 10 billion.