Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The study of neuroendocrinology examines how the brain and ________ work together to coordinate the physiological functioning of the body., According to one model, stress is the result of systemic activation of the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, and the ________. Southern and Eastern Europe. And this social categorization might lead them to become more aware of the positive characteristics of their college (the excellent basketball team, lovely campus, and intelligent students) in comparison with the characteristics of the other school. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. Public opinion. When we know that we need to control our expectations so that we do not unintentionally stereotype the other person, we may try to do sobut doing so takes effort and may frequently fail (Macrae, Bodenhausen, Milne, & Jetten, 1994). Once the participants are convinced that the researcher is able to assess their true attitudes, it is expected that they will be more honest in answering the rest of the questions they are asked because they want to be sure that the researcher does not catch them lying. Factor analytic approaches suggest that these data reflect the influence of a . b. benevolent; hostile d. Hispanics, Which group of Americans has the lowest median household income? d. all of the above, Recent research indicates that _____ sexism actually has a more harmful effect on women's Steele, C. M., & Aronson, J. Attitude formation is the result of a number of influences. a. b. Which of the following would be an example of a situational attribution? Ostrom, T. M., & Sedikides, C. (1992). Weight, BMI, age, blood pressure, and physical activity are other familiar variables commonly placed into categories. Based on your knowledge of social psychology, which phenomenon may have contributed to the errant putt? The hormone associated with aggression seems to be ________. (2002). Tetlock, P. E., & Mitchell, G. (2008). a. unfriendly answer:-opruon 1 The Social Security retirement benefit is payable at normal retirem . d. Develop the estimated regression equation by computing the values of b0b_0b0 and b1b_1b1 using equations (14.6) and (14.7). Follow Which of the following statements concerning marketing research is incorrect? Music videos often emphasize women's sexuality rather than their musical talent. Snyder, M., Tanke, E. D., & Berscheid, E. (1977). The outcome is that the stereotypes become linked to the group itself in a set of mental representations (Figure 12.5). c. women with disabilities Imagine for a moment that two college students, John and Sarah, are talking at a table in the student union at your college or university. In short, Sarah is now arguing her points not so much for herself as she is as a representative of one of her ingroupsnamely, womenand John is acting as a representative of one of his ingroupsnamely, men. b. essentialism. John is expressing his opinions, and Sarah is expressing hers. a. ), Stereotype accuracy: Toward appreciating group differences (pp. But research has found that stereotypes are often used out of our awareness, which makes it very difficult for us to correct for them. This interaction best illustrates which of the following statements? Swim, J. K. (1994). Automatic category activation and social behaviour: The moderating role of prejudiced beliefs. Which factor is LEAST likely to explain IQ differences between Blacks and whites? Selected accounts payable and general ledger accounts for Copperland Company are given in the Working Papers. When a minority member experiences a microaggression, they The IMA's Statement of Ethical Professional Practice includes all but which of the following broad categories? Teacher expectations and self-fulfilling prophecies. c. working-class women are perceived more positively than are middle-class women. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 38, 689703. c. Latin Americans 1 "I did a good job because I'm smart." Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. b. handicapism Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 25, 819833. In one of the experimental conditions, participants simply saw six lines, whereas in the other condition, the lines were systematically categorized into two groupsone comprising the three shorter lines and one comprising the three longer lines. Waterhouse's refusal to promote her to partner. b. discriminating. b. having few billable hours d. poor diet. I start with some of the early challenges to the widely-employed philosophical method of casesthe very challenges that originally prompted the new movement of experimental philosophyand with some fundamental questions about the method that are yet to have been given satisfying answers. b. Hispanic men A. acting with prejudice Chen, M., & Bargh, J. A white person tells an Asian American person that they "speak good English." d. The majority of teen magazines for girls focus on self and career development more than on Eastern European Americans C. The genetic diversity between races is greater than the genetic diversity within them.D. Furthermore, attempting to prevent our stereotype from coloring our reactions to others takes effort. Aboud, F. E., & Doyle, A.-B. b. had innate qualities that were different but that could be modified through socialization. According to the Milgram experiments, which of the following factors makes an individual more likely to conform to a request that would harm an innocent victim? Social psychology differs from psychology in its focus on ______. In other cases, stereotypes are maintained because information that confirms our stereotypes is better remembered than information that disconfirms them. Try the IAT yourself, here: c. discrimination. social impairment Which of the following is not an example of masculine generic language? 0 Wishlist. c. Authoritarianism reflects patterns of thought in general rather than a particular personality type. a. modern sexism and modern sexism. television. Studies show that discriminatory practices toward black clients in the housing market have disappeared. \. a. Ann Hopkins filed a lawsuit against Price Waterhouse asserting that her promotion for Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. b. African Americans b. b. Ms. Jane Sullivan An example of a superordinate goal would be two individuals who want to move a heavy couch out of their apartment. As recently as 15 years ago, the few visible gay characters were usually portrayed negatively b. Joe Feagin b. require welfare recipients to work. The participants tended to agree about what traits were true of which groups, and this was true even for groups of which the respondents were likely to never have met a single member (Arabs and Russians). D. slow. This is an example of 29. 2 "I did a good job because the task was easy." For instance, in one version of the IAT, participants are shown pictures of men and women and also shown words related to gender stereotypes (e.g., strong, leader, or powerful for men and nurturing, emotional, or weak for women). Manipulations that affirm positive characteristics about oneself or ones group are successful at reducing stereotype threat (Alter, Aronson, Darley, Rodriguez, & Ruble, 2010; Greenberg et al., 2003; McIntyre, Paulson, & Lord, 2003). How can cognitive dissonance help to reduce unconsciously prejudiced or discriminatory behavior? Figure 12.6 Current Stereotypes Held by College Students. a. Dred Scott v. Sandford On which (if any) social categories do you categorize others? (2002). We sometimes think of our relationships with others at the individual level and sometimes at the group level. b. unintelligent And stereotypes become difficult to change because they are so important to usthey become an integral and important part of our everyday lives in our culture. II. Research has found that the experience of stereotype threat can help explain a wide variety of performance decrements among those who are targeted by negative stereotypes. b. often get angry, making a mountain out of a molehill. d. Hispanics, Which group of Americans has the highest median household income? 2 He made a dispositional attribution. Madon, S., Guyll, M., Aboufadel, K., Montiel, E., Smith, A., Palumbo, P., & Jussim, L. (2001). Which ethical theory, if any, would agree with the following statement: There are some actions that are inherently wrong because they violate a moral rule, no matter what the consequences are.. c. Japanese Americans He developed a plan for how the group could most effectively share responsibilities. He has shared this information with his Patricia Linville and Edward Jones (1980) gave research participants a list of trait terms and asked them to think about either members of their own group (e.g., Blacks) or members of another group (e.g., Whites) and to place the trait terms into piles that represented different types of people in the group. Even Black people themselves respond more quickly to positive words that are associated with White rather than Black faces on the IAT, suggesting that they have subtle racial prejudice toward Blacks. Because they hold these beliefs, it is possiblealthough not guaranteedthat they may use them when responding to other people, creating a subtle and unconscious type of discrimination. a. a. underrepresentation of females Which of the following was a consequence of the U.S. policy of forcing Japanese families into "relocation centers" during World War II? a. the more hostile sexism endorsed by the men, the less benevolent sexism reported by the b. prejudice (1999). When speeding charges are made, Blacks fare much worse when citations are issued on the basis of the officer's visual assessment rather than radar or laser. Which group of Americans has the highest college graduation rate? a. only prejudiced people will discriminate. c. poverty White women over age 35 Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 46(1), 166171. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 62(2), 207218. 4 His remark is considered a collectivistic remark. All of the following statements concerning the Social Security system are correct EXCEPT: The Social Security retirement benefit is payable at normal retirement age with reduced benefits available as early as age 59 , to anyone who has obtained at least . However, halfway through the project, he realized that no one seemed to be completing their assigned tasks, which led him to complete more than his share of the work. Which of the following statements best describes life insurance policy dividends? From Tajfel (1970). 3 One confederate gave a correct response. Gender stereotyping research that focused on social class has found that: a. there are no differences in the stereotypes applied to working-class and middle-class women. I used this code when statements . The cluster of traits that includes being independent, ambitious, and achievement-oriented is, According to the text, in North American society _______ traits are more likely to be associated. Physical environment. a. Donald Trump is the least racist president ever. c. Donald Trump's presidency is seen as a new era of covert racism. True Controlling urges and selecting the appropriate response are a. Germany; rural - Q/A (Question and Answer) Darren Farr Test Answer Answer: it occurs without conscious awareness Recource Chapter 12 Psychology Correction Unlock this answer Join StudyHippo to unlock Related questions The bogus pipeline procedure suggests that people may frequently mask their negative beliefs in publicpeople express more prejudice when they are in the bogus pipeline than they do when they are asked the same questions more directly. In the climate of great uncertainty characterizing the COVID-19 pandemic, health communication played a significant role: several communicative strategies and channels were used to inform, educate and alert. A company uses the indirect method to determine its cash flows from operating activities. b. institutional racism. When our stereotypes lead us to be believe that we are likely to perform poorly on a task, we experience a feeling of unease and status threat. A. social inequality d. all of the above, Social Psychology-Chapter 7 (Conceptual/Appli. c. 35 a. color blindness is a means of maintaining racial equality. One day, the power goes out. a. had developed cultural differences but were essentially very similar. c. Africa. a. is/are true? d. generalization. Orlando, FL: Academic Press. Other research using this technique has found that we spontaneously categorize each other on the basis of many other group memberships, including race, academic status (student versus teacher), social roles, and other social categories (Fiske, Haslam, & Fiske, 1991; Stangor, Lynch, Duan, & Glass, 1992). In fact, just knowing that stereotype threat exists and may influence performance can help alleviate its negative impact (Johns, Schmader, & Martens, 2005). Entropy-related risks were soon translated into the "infodemic", a wide-spread phenomenon with psychosocial and cultural roots. 3 People who do it tend to be young and nave. A white man places a rental property he owns on Craigslist to rent it out for the next year. which of the following statements concerning social categorization is correct? d. a and b, Which of the following statements regarding the portrayal of women of color on television is/are The Implicit Association Test at age 7: A methodological and conceptual review. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 39(1), 8390. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 72(2), 275287. Stereotyping is problematic when the stereotypes we hold about a social group are inaccurate overall, and particularly when they do not apply to the individual who is being judged (Stangor, 1995). c. social role theory. c. discrimination. New York, NY: Doubleday. Similarly, when stereotypes are activated, children with low socioeconomic status perform more poorly in math than do those with high socioeconomic status, and psychology students perform more poorly than do natural science students (Brown, Croizet, Bohner, Fournet, & Payne, 2003). Out-group homogeneity effects in natural and minimal groups. "Female professor receives prestigious grant." Category and stereotype activation: Is prejudice inevitable? b. serve to justify and maintain patriarchal social structures. The participants were shown the list of all the statements that had been made, along with the pictures of each of the discussion group members, and were asked to indicate who had made each of the statements. In 2013, ______ of Americans eighteen- to twenty-nine-year-olds supported interracial marriage. Outline your answers clearly New York, NY: The Guilford Press. a. children's readers and picture books. ______ refers to a type of social identity related to ancestry (perceived or real) and cultural differences which become effective or active in certain contexts. poses than in active poses. In 2019, approximately 53.6 million metric tons of electronic and electric waste (e-waste) was generated globally, and according to some estimations the annual amount of e-waste will exceed 74 million metric tons by 2030 (Forti et al., 2020: 23).Branded as a solution, the circular economy promises to "design out" waste and keep products and materials in circulation through optimized . Race can be understood as a classification system that assigns individuals and groups to categories that are ranked or hierarchical. Even 5-year-old children have learned cultural norms about the appropriate activities and behaviors for boys and girls and also have developed stereotypes about age, race, and physical attractiveness (Bigler & Liben, 2006). Making things even more difficult, stereotypes are strongest for the people who are in most need of changethe people who are most prejudiced (Lepore & Brown, 1997). Group socialization and prejudice: The social transmission of intergroup attitudes and beliefs. Social perception and interpersonal behavior: On the self-fulfilling nature of social stereotypes. This truth may come in part from the roles that individuals play in society. d. 26 percent; 18 percent. For one, we learn our stereotypes in part through our communications with parents and peers (Aboud & Doyle, 1996) and from the behaviors we see portrayed in the media (Brown, 1995). c. overrepresentation of female characters with both family and paid work responsibilities c. William Julius Wilson father but has decided to withhold the diagnosis from his mother for as long as possible. b. discrimination. b. If you found yourself lost in a city, you might look for a police officer or a taxi driver to help you find your way. Parental and peer influences on childrens racial attitudes. b. I think you would agree that you are more likely to categorize yourself as a member of your college or university when your basketball or football team has just won a really important game, or at your commencement day ceremony, than you would on a normal evening out with your family. Which of the following statements is true? b. women under age 35; women over age 35 c. Middle Easterners are white and North Africans are nonwhite. b. Saturday morning cartoons. New York, NY: Guilford Press. c. patterns of discrimination are easily fixed by individuals. Notably, the image in Figure 1 is also a stock photo supplied by one of the world's largest commercial image banks, Getty Images.As we say, newspapers and other news media outlets increasingly source their images this way, with fewer . c. as active, mature adults 1 point? Yaacov Trope and Eric Thompson (1997) found that individuals addressed fewer questions to members of categories about which they had strong stereotypes (as if they already knew what these people were like) and that the questions they did ask were likely to confirm the stereotypes they already had. d. ambivalent sexism. Categorization of individuals on the basis of multiple social features. language is/are correct? What do social psychologists call the tendency to rely on internal characteristics for explanations of the behavior of others and to ignore the influence of the situation? Explain why social traps do not benefit groups sharing the same interest. c. scapegoating The following statements concerning the thalamus are correct EXCEPT: A. This overgeneralization makes it more likely that we will think about and treat all members of a group the same way. D. Human behavior is not easily changed by the expectations of others. A. permanent Prejudice toward female leaders: Backlash effects and womens impression management dilemma. b. nationalism. Although Anthony, an African American, was more productive at work than Francisco, a Hispanic American, Anthony was given a raise but not Francisco because the owner believed that Hispanic Americans are better workers than African Americans. a. aggregation. c. less communal than traditionally titled women. c. Asian Americans Fiske, A. P., Haslam, N., & Fiske, S. T. (1991). QUICKBOOKSADVANCE EXAM SECTION 1. c. wicked On the way home, Reggie and his other teammates blame the loss solely on the player who missed the last minute shot. According to this approach, thinking about other people in terms of their social category memberships is a functional way of dealing with the worldthings are complicated, and we reduce complexity by relying on our stereotypes. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 20, 371383. b. Donald Trump expresses the kind of racism that is typical in contemporary American politics. In college textbooks approximately one-half of the references to women are specifically Although the meaning of the IAT has been debated (Tetlock & Mitchell, 2008), research using implicit measures does suggest thatwhether we know it or not, and even though we may try to control them when we canour stereotypes and prejudices are easily activated when we see members of different social categories (Barden, Maddux, Petty, & Brewer, 2004). d. Multiculturalism. b. still show more male characters than female characters in basic readers and math materials Fyock, J., & Stangor, C. (1994). External situations have no effect on one's personality characteristics. Which of the following methodological approaches to a research project on assimilation is a survey? When we see members of social groups perform behaviors, we tend to better remember information that confirms our stereotypes than we remember information that disconfirms our stereotypes (Fyock & Stangor, 1994). d. Asian Americans, Alarming disparities in health and health care still exist among U.S. racial and ethnic groups. B. b. Americans b. Authoritarianism is a characteristic of personality and reflects the values and norms of particular subcultures within the wider society. d. all of the above. a. German Americans b. cultural factors Only physicians can perform exit evaluations and conduct psychological interviews. (1974). Psychological Review, 100(1), 109128. Determining how to define and categorize variables is sometimes called 'operationalizing' and is a critical part of study design. c. benevolent sexism. 3 Two tennis players become good friends. Therefore, he does Therefore, new challenges for public . Sarah is a college admissions officer who does not hold prejudicial attitudes about Hispanic people. If men think that women are all alike, then they may also think that they all have the same characteristicstheyre all emotional and weak. And women may have similarly simplified beliefs about men (theyre insensitive, unwilling to commit, etc.). Review the ways that stereotypes influence our behavior. 26 percent; 6 percent Gender stereotyping research that focused on the ethnicity of the target found that: Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 4(10), 807820. And which groups we use in social categorization can change over time and in different situations. c. ethnicity. The point at which operating income is equal to $0. In most aspects of his life, however, being Scottish American has no meaningful impact on his day-to-day life.