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とっておきのインド・ベンガル料理 カレーフランス料理研究 辻静雄再値下 BLESS ブレス N°13 ポスター レア supreme マルジェラWristwatch Annual 2002 洋書 時計【新年セール】 The Wild Storm #1-24 アメコミ24冊セット
After the Fact: The Holocaust in Twenty-First Century Documentary Film
Until now most studies have centered primarily on canonical films such as Shoah and Night and Fog, but over the course of the last ten years filmmaking practices have altered dramatically. Changing techniques, diminishing communities of survivors, and the public's response to familiar, even iconic imagery, have all challenged filmmakers to radically revise and newly envision how they depict the Holocaust. Innovative styles have emerged, including groundbreaking techniques of incorporating archival footage, survivor testimony, and reenactment. Carrying wider implications for the fields of Film Studies, Jewish Studies, and Visual Studies, this book closely analyzes ten contemporary and internationally produced films, most of which have hardly been touched upon in the critical literature or elsewhere.
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