The word squaw is often viewed as a derogatory term for a woman, sometimes even viewed as a disrespectful reference to female anatomy, which might stem from the Mohawk ojiskwa, a courteous term for vagina. A word that is used by an awestricken native, may be heard several times at a pow-wow, after payment, or when a bargain is found i.e. We have included twenty basic Dakota words here, to compare with related American Indian languages. It expresses the Indigenous population's perception of non-Natives' relationship with the land and the Indigenous peoples. WebAs you've probably noticed, the slang synonyms for " native americans " are listed above. #10. The girl is small. Native Americans. "Kaw, not me!" OMNICIYE / meeting(A)/ oh mnee chee yea: ONIYETO / Affected/ oh nee yea dohn, OOWOHAPI OCETI/Range(cooking)/ohn-ohn-woh-hahn-pee oh-chay-dee, OPAGAE / Cumbersome/ oh pahn gah ay, OPAWIGE NUM/Two hundred/oh-pah-wee-gay nuem, OPAWIGE YAMNI/Three hundred/oh-pah-wee-ghay yah-mnee, OPICIYE/Camp(a good place to)/oh-peech-ee-yea, OSIHAPI / Humility/ ohn shee ghahn pee, OSLOHE KICO/Slide down/oh-sloh-hay kee-chohn, OSNIYAKEL/Without penetrating/Oh shnee yahn kayl, OSPEWAKIYE/Learn(to)/ohn-shpay-wah-kee-yea, OSTE STEYA SKA/Mischief/oh-shday shday-yah shkahn, OSTEGLA / Slander(remark)/ oh shday glah, OSUKOYUSPE / Corral/ oh shuen koh yue spay, OTAKUYAYA / Brotherhood/ oh dah kue yah yah, OTEHIKA / Expensive/ oh Day ghee kah, OTOWA HE TAKA/City/ohdohnwahn-hay-dahnkan, OWAIHPAYE / Wastebasket/ oh wah ee ghpah yea, OWAJILA / Still(quiet)/ oh wahn zjee lah, OWAKA YUJAJAPI/Saturday/oh-wahn-kah yue-zjah-zjah-pee, OWAOMNIOMNI / Cyclone/ oh wah oh mnee oh mnee, OWAPE CIKALA/Minute/oh-wah-pay chee-kah-lah, OWASTECAKA/Good weather/oh-wah-shday-chah-kah, OWATOHAYA / Awhile/ oh wah doh hah yah, OWE OTAKUYE/Many kinds/oh-way oh-dah-kue-yea, OWEHAHA / Teasing/ oh way hahn hahn, OWESLEKE / Decoration/ oh way shlay kay, OWEWAKAKA / Joke/ oh way wah kahn kahn, OWICAHE / Cemetery/ oh wee chah ghay, OWICAKASKE / Jail/ oh wee chah kah shkay, OWICAKIYAKA PI KI/Statements(what they say)/oh-wee-chah-kee-yah-kah pee kee, OWOGLAKE/Council chamber/Oh woh glah kay, OWOTALA / Straight/ oh woh dahn lah, OWOTEHIPI / Cafe/ oh woh Day hee pee, OWOTETIPI / Restaurant/ oh woh Day dee pee, OYATE WAKASKEYUZE/Leader of the people/oh-yah-day wah-kah-shkay-yuh-zay, OYATEYAMNI/Ponca tribe/Oh yah Day yah mnee, OYUMNIMNI / Aimless(Round And Round)/ oh yue mnee mnee, OYUSLATA / Corroborate/ oh yue shlah dah, PA AKAL/Pushed up against a surface/pah ah-kahnl, PA OWAZILAYEYA/Discipline(to)/pah-ohwahnzsheelahyeayah, PAHA PESTO LA/Butte/pah-hah pay-shdoh lah, PAHINA MNIMNIZA/Wavy hair/pah-hee-nah mnee-mnee-zjah, PAHLI IPAKI TE/Handkerchief/pah-ghlee ee-pah-kee day, PAKESKA WAKPA/Platte river/pahn-kay-skah-wah-kpah, PAKESKA / Celluloic(cellophane)/ pahn kay skah, PAKONATKE / Bulky/ pah koh nah dkay, PAKOSKALA / Whippoorwill/ pah kohsh kah lah, PAWIYAKPA / Shine(Shoes)/ pah wee yah kpah, PAWIYOPEYAPI / Auction/ pahn wee yoh pay yah pee, PEHAGILA / Sandbill/ pay hahn gee lah, PEHI O APIYE/Beauty shop/pay-hee oh ah-pee-yea, PEHICICILA / Killdeer/ pay hee chee chee lah, PEJI INAKSYE/Mower/pay-zjee ee-nahk-shyea, PEJI NAKSIYA PI/Hay/pay-zjee nah-kshee-yah pee, PEJUTA WICA SA/Doctor/pay-zjue-dah wee-chah shah, PESTOLA / Point(Sharp)/ pay shdoh lah, PETAGAICEOPA / Broil/ pay dah gah ee chay ohn pah, PETI JA JA YE/Lamp/pay-dee zjahn zjahn yea, PEWIWILA/Baby(skull soft spot)/pay-wee-wee-lah, PEWIWILA / Cowlick/ pay wee wee lah, PILAMAYAYE/Thank You/pee lah mah yah yea, POGE HLOKA/Nez Pierce tribe/poh-ghay ghloh-kah, PSAWACIPI / Dance(Crow)/ psah wah chee pee, PSIUWOHAPI/Boiler(double)/psee-ue-woh-hahn-pee, PTE AWAN YAKA WICASA/Cowboy/pday ah-wahnyahn-kah wee-chah-shah, PTE WANI YAPI/Cattle/pday-wah-nee yahn-pee, PTEHE WAPAHA/Horned headgear/pday-hay wah-pah-hah, PTEHICALA / Calf/ pday hee chah lah, PTEMAKICIMA / Heifer/ pday mah kee chee mah, PTEPASACA / Skull(buffalo)/ p Day pah shah shah, SAHIYELA/Cheyenne tribe/shah ee yea lah, SAMKAZAZA / Lighter(progressively)/ sahm kah zjahn zjahn, SAPA WICASA/Ute tribe/sah-pah wee-chah-shah, SAPAON OWA YAWA/Mission school/sah-pah-ohn oh-wah yah-wah, SAPAUN ATEYAPI/Pope/sah-pah-uen ah-day-yah-pee, SI INATA / Stirrup / see ee nah dahn, SICAHOWAYA / Scream/ shee chahn hoh wah yah, SICANGU TIPI/Rosebud sioux/shee-chahn-ghue dee-pee, SIHASAPA/Blackfeet(blackfoot sioux)/see-hah-sah-pah, SIKSIKCA WAAIYE/Slander/seek-seek-chah wah-ah-ee-yea, SINA O COZE/Comforter/shee-nah oh choh-zay, SINA SAPA / Catholic / shee nah shah pah, SINAGLEGA KAGA/Navajo tribe/see-nah-glay-ghah kah-ghah, SINTE HLA / Rattlesnake / seen Day ghlah, SIOSTUKALA/Claw marks/see Oh shduen kah lah, SIPA WAKASYE/Stumble/see-pah wah-kah-shyea, SITE HLA WICASA/Commanche/see-day ghlah wee-chah-shah, SITEHASKA/Whitetail deer/see Day hahn skah, SITELULYAPI/Redtail deer/see dayl uel yah pee, SITESAPELA/Mule deer(blacktail deer)/see-day-sah-pay-lah, SITUPIWABLILA / Warbler/ see due pee wahn blee lah, SLAEGNAG/Barren Place/shlah ay g nah g, SLOLYESNIYA / Unknowingly/ slohl yea shnee yahn, SOTA O INAPE/Chimney/shoh-dah oh ee-nah-pay, SPAHAHAPI / Leper/ shah hahn hahn pee, SPASNIYUTAPI / Watermelon/ shpahn shnee yue dah pee, SPAYOLA / Mexican(Spanish)/ spah yoh lah, SUGLESKA/Pinto(horse breed)/shuen-glay-shkah, SUGMANITU HOTA I/Wolf howl/shuen-g-mah-nee-due hoh-dah ee, SUGWIYELA / Mare/ sueng wee yea lah, SUK AKAYAG/Horseback(on)/shuen-k-ah-kahn-yahng, SUKAKU KI/Brother(his/her younger)/suhnkahkue-kee, SUKAWAKA / horse/ shuen kah wah kahn, SUKAWAYA/Brother(I have for younger)/suen-kah-wah-yah, SUKAWICASA / Monkey/ shuen kah wee chah shah, SUMANITU TAKA/Wolf/shuen-mah-nee-due dahn-kah, SUNG WAPA PA/Bark(dogs)/shuengh wah-pah pah, SUNK LUZA HE/Race horse/shuenk lue-zah hay, SUNMANITU / Coyote/ shue mah nee due, SUONAZI/Barn( for horse)/shuen-oh-nah-zjee, TAHAYE/Brother-in-law (of male)/dahn-hahn-yea, TAHCA SKALA AWAYAKE/Shepherd/dah-ghchah skah-lah ah-wahn-yahn-kay, TAHCA SUKALA / Sheep / dahghchah shuen kah lah, TAHISPA IHUPA/Awl/dah-ee-shpah ee-huen-pah, TAHIYUYA / Stillborn/ dah hee yue yah, TAKAKU KI/Sister(his/her younger)/dahn-kah-kue kee, TAKAWAYA/Sister(I have for younger)/dahn-kah-wah-yah, TAKEKU KI/Sister(his/her older)/dahn-kay-kue kee, TAKEWAYA/Sister(I have for older)/dahn-kay-wah-yah, TAKIKIYA/Large ones/dahn kee kee yahn, TAKOJAKPAKU KI / Grandchild(his / her) / dah koh zjah kpah kue kee, TAKOJAWAYA/Grandchild(I have for)/dah-koh-zjah-wah-yah, TAKSITKU KI/Sister(his/her younger)/dahn-kshee-dkue kee, TAKSIWAYA/Sister(I have for younger)/dahn-kshee-wah-yah, TAKU EYAYA/Repeat words/dah-kue ay-yah-yah, TAKU KEEYAS/Whatever/dah-kue kay-ay-yahsh, TAKU KICIC U/Exchange(trade)/dah-kue kee-cheech ue, TAKU KICIC U/Trade(mutual concession)/dah-kue kee-cheech ue, TAKU U HCA KI HE/Specific information/dah-kue uhn ghchah kee hay, TAKUKE EYAS/Anything/dah-kue-kay ay-yahsh, TAKUNI ECO SNI/Idle/dah-kue-nee ay-chohn shnee, TAKUNI SLOLYE SNI/Stupid/dah-kue-nee slohl-yea shnee, TALO AGUYAPI COGIKIYAPI/Sandwich/dahloh ah-ghue-yah-pee choh-ghee-kee-yah-pee, TAMAHECA / Lean(Thin)/ dah mah hay chah, TAMNIOHPI CA/Fig tree/dah-mnee-oh-gh-pee chahn, TAN HON SI/Cousin-male(of a man)/dahn hohn shee, TANAGILA / Hummingbird/ dahn ah gee lah, TANIYOHI LA/Everybody/dah-nee-yoh-hee lah, TAPAPAPI / Baseball/ dah pah pah pee, TASIYAGNUPA / Meadowlark/ dah shee yahg nue pah, TASKATAPI / Basketball/ dah shkah dah pee, TASNAHECA/Ground squirrel/dah-shnah-hay-chah, TATANKA / buffalo(Bull)/ dah dahn kah, TATE UYETOPA/Four winds/dah-day uh-yea-doe-pah, TATOHEKIYA / current/ dah doh hay kee yah, TAWACI WASTE/Generous/dah-wah-chee wah-shday, TAWACIPAPALA / Naive/ dah wah chee pah pah lah, TAWACIPAPALA / Weak mind/ dah wah chee pah pah lah, TAWAPSUKAHA / Gland(throat)/ dah wah pshuen kah hahn, TAWATELYAPI / Willing/ dah wah dayl yah pee, TAWICASA / Boyfriend/ dah wee chah shah, TAZANIYAKE / Damage/ dahn zah nee yah kay, TEHILA IT A/Love very much(to)/day-ghee-lah eed ah, TEHIYA KUWAPI/Torture/day-ghee-yah kue-wah-pee, TEHMUGA / Fly(Insect)/ Day ghmue gh ah, TEMUGA ZIZILA/Bee/day-mue-ghah zjee-zjee-lah, TESLAGKITO/Crown(put on a)/day-shlah-g-kee-dohn, TI KTA YASUPI/Condemned/dee kdah yah-shue-pee, TIBLOKU KI/Brother(his/her older)/dee-bloh-kue kee, TIBLOWAYA/Brother(I have for older)/dee-bloh-wah-yah, TIPI WAKA / Church / dee pee wah kahn, TITAHEPIYA/Wall(in house)/dee-dah-hay-pee-yah, TIWAHE/Traditional way of life/dee-wah-hay, TIWICAKTE / Murder/ dee wee chah kday, TIWIYU / Painting(house)/ dee wee yuen, TIYATAKIYA / Homeward/ dee yah dah kee yah, TIYATANI / home(at)/ dee yah dah nee, TIYO PA IYUSLO KE/Door(keys)/dee-yoh pah ee-yue-shloh kay, TIYO PA IYUTKU GE/Door(latch)/dee-yoh pah ee-yuen-dkue ghay, TIYOBLECA / Tent(Not TIPI)/ dee yoh blay chah, TIYOPA AWAYAKE/Porter/dee-yoh-pah ah-wahn-yahn-kay, TKEYUTAPI / Pound(Weight)/ dkea yue dah pee, TO HANTU KEYAS/Anytime/doh hahn-due kay-yahsh, TOHACIKA/Long time(for a)/doh-hahn-chee-kah, TOHUNTU KEYAS/Whenever/doh-huen-duh kay-yahsh, TOKAH A/Consciousness(to lose)/doh-kah-gh-ahn, TOKAHEYA / Firstly/ doh kah hay yah, TOKALAWACIPI / Dance(Fox)/ doh kah lah wah chee pee, TOKALTAHA/From somewhere/doh-kahnl-dahn-hahn, TOKATAKIYA/Toward the future/doh-kah-dah-kee-yah, TOKE YELAKA/Evidently/doh-khay yea-lah-kah, TOKEKEKEL / Anxious/ doh kay kay kayl, TOKESA/Anyway(in spite of it)/doh-kay-shah, TOKETKIYA/Toward some place/doh-kay-dkee-yah, TOKEWACISNI / Aware/ doh kay wah chee shnee, TOKHEL IYAYA/Go elsewhere/doh-khayl ee-yah-yah, TOKIYATA / Somewhere/ doh kee yah dahn, TOKIYATAHA/From someplace/doh-kee-yah-dahn-hahn, TOKTU TANI SNI/Dull(doings)/doh-kdue dah-nee shnee, TOP SKA TAPI/Ball game/dohp shkan dah-pee, TUKASILA WO AKIYE TIPI/Congress/duen-kah-shee-lah woh ah-kee-yea-dee-pee, TUKTOGNA KE CEYAS/Whatever(in any manner)/due-kdoh-gnah kay chay-yahsh, TUNKASILA / Grandfather/ duen kah shee lah, TUNKASILAWAYA/Grandfather(I have for)/duen-kah-shee-lah-wah-yah, TUNKASILAYA PI/President/duen-kah-shee-lah-yah pee, TUNKASILAYAPI / Government/ duen kah shee lah yah pee, TUNKASILAYAPI/Us Government/duen kah shee lah yah pee, TUNKASITKU KI / Grandfather(his / her) / duen kah shee dkue kee, TUWE KE EYAS/Anybody/due-way kay ay-yahsh, UCIWAYEKI / Grandmother(my)/ uen chee wah yea kee, UCIYAWA/Grandmother(I have for)/uen-chee-yah-wah, UGNAHALA / Unexpectedly/ uen gnah hahn lah, UGNAHELA / suddenly/ uen gnah hay lah, UHCEGILA / Mastodon/ uen gh chay gee lah, UIGLUJAJAPI/Wash basin(a)/ue nee Glue zjah zjah pee, UKCILA YUTA PI/Peyote/uen-kchee-lah yue-dah-pee, UKITAKOJAKPAKU PI / Grandchildren(Our) / uen kee dah koh zjah kpah kue pee, UMAETKIYA / Opposite/ ue mah ay dkee yah, UMATOK TOK / Alternate / ue mah dohk dohk, UPIJATA / Swallow(barn)/ ue pee zjah dah, UYAKPAKPA / Glitter/ ue yah kpah kpah, UZEBLIKBLIK / Firefly/ uen zay bleek bleek, UZIHEKTAKTA WACICI/Dance backwards/uen-zee-hay-kdah-kdah wah-chee-chee, UZIZITKA / Rosehip/ ue zjee zjee dkah, UZIZITKA / Wildrose/ uen zjee zjee dkah, WA ABLESYA/Understand(to cause to)/wah ah-blay-s-yah, WA EKTUZA/Forget things(to)/wah-ay-kduen-zah, WA IYOKATKUHE/Screw/wah ee-yoh-kah-dkue-ghay, WA IYUHOMNI/Screwdriver/wah ee-yue-oh-mnee, WA OHOLA SNI/Disrespectful/wah-oh-hoh-lah shnee, WA ONSPE WICAKI YE/Disciple/wah ohn-shpay wee-chah-kee yea, WA OSPE / Bright(smart) / wah ohn shpay, WA USPEKIYA/Teach things to/wah uen-spay-kee-yah, WA USPEWICAKIYAPI/Teacher/wah uen-spay-wee-chah-kee-yah-pee, WAASAPI / Applaud(applause)/ wah ah shah pee, WABLENICA / Orphan/ wah blay nee chah, WABLITAHEYA / Finch/ wahn blee dah hay yah, WABLITAHEYA/Gold Finch/wahn-blee-dah-hay-yah, WABLUSKASA / Bedbug/ wah blue shkah shah, WACAGNIS / Immediately/ wahn chahg neesh, WACAJEYATE / Motion(meeting)/ wah chah zjay yah Day, WACATE OGNAKE/Affection/wah-chahn-day oh-gnakay, WACATKIYA / Benevolence/ wah chah dkee yah, WACEKIYE WICASA/Preacher/wah-chay-kee-yea wee-chah-shah, WACEKIYEYA/Church service(go to)/wah-chay-kee-yea-yahn, WACIGNUNI / Bewildered/ wah chee gnue nee, WACIGNUNI / Oblivious/ wah chee gnue nee, WACIGNUNI / Unconscious/ wah chee gnue nee, WACIGNUNI / Wandering/ wah chee gnue nee, WACIHAHALA/Easily alarmed/wah chee hah hah lah, WACIHAHELA / Alarm/ wah chee hah hay lah, WACIKICIYAPI / Confidence/ wah chee kee chee yah pee, WACITUSNI / Sly/ wah chee duen shnee, WACIYE PICA/Faithful/wah-chee-yea pee-chah, WACIYE PICASNI/Untrustworthy/wah-chee-yea pee-chah-shnee, WACIYEYE/Give up hope(to)/wah-chee-yea-yea, WAECOHCA ICILA/Brag/wah-ay-chohn-ghchah eech-ee-lah, WAGIE YUTAPI/Table/wah-ghee-ay yue-dah-pee, WAGLEKSU / Turkey(Wild)/ wah glay kshuen, WAGMIZA YUGNAPI/Shell(corn)/wah-gmee-zah yue-gnah-pee, WAGNUKA / Woodpecker(redheaded)/ wah gnuh kah, WAHACAKA / Shield/ wah hah chahn kah, WAHAKSICA / Marten/ wah ghahn ksee chah, WAHAN KIKTAPI/Wake(for the dead)/wah-hahn kee-kdah-pee, WAHCA OJU / Plants / wah ghchah oh zjue, WAHOCAKIYA / Admonish/ wahn hoh chahn kee yahn, WAHOKOKIYAPI / Instruction/ wah hoh kohn kee yah pee, WAHOKONKI YE/Instruct(to)/wah-hoh-kohn-kee yea, WAHPANICA / Poor/ wah ghpah nee chah, WAHPAYECA / Baggage/ wah ghpah yea chah, WAHTANISYA / Sinner/ wah ghdah nee syah, WAHTELASNI / Abominate/ wah gh Day lah shnee, WAHWAYELA / Quietly/ wah ghwah yea lah, WAICIKSUKSU / Adorn/ wah ee chee kshue kshue, WAIYOKATKUGE / Bolt(Screw)/ wah ee yoh kah dkue ghay, WAIYUHOMNI/Brace(carpenters tool)/wa-hee-yue-hoh-mnee, WAKA HA WICASA/Magician/wah-kahn ghahn wee-chah-shah, WAKA KICIYUZA PI/Married(church)/wah-kahn kee-chee-yue-zah pee, WAKA YAKEL/Extraordinarily/wah-kahn yahn-kayl, WAKABLAPI / Jerkey/ wah kahn blah pee, WAKAGLE / Electricity/ wah khahn glay, WAKAGMIPI / Weeding/ wah kah ghmee pee, WAKAHPE / Tarpaulin(cover)/ wah kah ghpay, WAKALYAPI K U/Feed(to)/wah-kahl-yah-pee k ue, WAKALYAPI / Coffee/ wah kahl yah pee, WAKANYAN / Mysteriously/ wah kahn yahn, WAKAPAPI / pemmican/ wah kah pah pee, WAKATANKA / God/ wahn kahn dahn kah, WAKAWACIPI / Dance(Sacred)/ wah kahn wah chee pee, WAKAYAJA PI/Childhood/wah-kahn-yah-zjah pee, WAKAYAJA / Child/ wah kahn yah zjah, WAKAYEJA PI/Immature/wah-kah-yea-zjah pee, WAKICOZE / Delegate/ wah kee chohn zay, WAKICUZA / Leader/ wah kee chuen zah, WAKIGNA / Animal(newborn)/ wah kee gnah, WAKIKSUYA U/Traditions(to remember)/wah-kee-ksue-yah uen, WAKILASE / Cube/ wahk ee lah S ay, WAKINYAN TOWA PI/Lightning/wah-kee-yahn dohn-wahn pee, WAKIPAJAN / Rebel/ wah kee pah jahn, WAKIYA HOTOPI/Thunder(clap)/wah-kee-yahn hoh-dohn-pee, WAKIYA TUWAPI/Thunder(lightning)/wah-kee-yahn duen-wahn-pee, WAKIYATIPI / Court/ wah kee yah dee pee, WAKOYOGYE / Roping/ wah koh yohg yea, WAKSICA OGNAKE/Cupboard/wah-kshee-chah oh-gnah-kay, WAKTE KU/Come home(from war)/wah-kday kue, WAKTE OGLAKA/War stories/wah-day oh-glah-kah, WAKUWA PI / Chase / wah kue wah pee, WAMAKASKA / Beast/ wah mah kah shkah, WAMAKASKA / Brutal/ wah mah kah shkahn, WAMAKOGNAKA / Universe/ wah mah koh gnah kah, WAMANU WICASA/Robber/wah-mah-nue wee-chah-shah, WAMNIAKASTA / Baptize/ wah mnee ah kah shdahn, WAMNIYOMNI / Whirlwind/ wah mnee yoh mnee, WANAGI TACAKU/Milky way/wah-nahn-ghee dah-chahn-kue, WANAGIWACHIPI/Aurora borealis/wah nah gh ee wah chee pee, WANAGIYATA / Spiritland/ wah nah ghee yah dah, WANAHOPI / Audition/ wah nah ghoh pee, WANAHOSNI / Stubborn/ wah nah ghohn shnee, WANAHOTONYAPI / music/ wah nah hoh dohn yah pee, WANI YANPI/Animal(domestic)/wah-nee yahn-pee, WANIYETU OTA/Elderly/wah-nee-yea-due oh-dah, WANIYETU TONAHCA/Age/wah-nee-yea-duh doh-nah-gh-chah, WAOHMUYECE / Clamor/ wah oh ghmuen yea chay, WAONSILA / Kindness/ wah ohn shee lah, WAPAHA KITU/Wear own warbonnet/wah-pah-hah kee-duen, WAPATAKA / Blackbird/ wah pah dah kah, WASICULA EKTA / Whiteman s world(in the)/wah-shee-chue-lah ay-kdah, WASIGLA / Mourn(mourning)/ wah shee glah, WASKASKAYAPI / Movie/ wahn shkah shkah yah pee, WASKUYECA / Berries/ wah shkue yea chah, WASKUYECA/Canned Fruit/wahsh kue yea chah, WASKUYECA / Dessert/ wah skue yea chah, WASKUYECA / Fruit/ wah shkue yea chah, WASKUYECA / Preserves/ wah skue yea chah, WASKUYECA/Sweets(in general)/wah-skue-yea-chah, WASKUYECAOZU / Orchard/ wah shkue yea chah oh zue, WASNASNAHECA / Kingbird/ wah snah snah hay chah, WATAPETA / Steamboat/ wah dah pay dah, WATOHAL SNA/Now and then/wah-doh-hahl shnah, WATOHAL/Future(sometime in the)/wah-doh-hahnl, WATOKICO / Avenge/ wah doh kee chohn, WATOKICO / Vengeance/ wah doh kee chohn, WATOKSU PI / Freight / wah doh kshue pee, WATUKTEHAL/All of a sudden/wah-due-kday-hahnl, WAWICIYA O UYA/Cooperatively(to live)/wah-wee-chee-yah oh uen-yahn, WAWIHATEYA / Blunder/ wah wee ghah Day yea, WAWINAKIHNI / Anticipate/ wah wee nah kee ghnee, WAWIYOWIYA / Accomodate/ wah wee yoh wee yah, WAWOKIPAPAKA / Pushy(Person)/ wah woh kee pah pah kah, WAWOKIYA / Accompany/ wah woh kee yah, WAWOSLATA WANAP I/Hairpipe breastplate/wah-woh-slah-dah wah-nah-p ee, WAWOYUSPA / Catcher/ wah woh yue shpah, WAWOYUSPA / Police/ wah woh yue spah, WAYAG NAZI/Stand watching/wah-yahng nah-zjee, WAYAJOPI/Eagle bone whistle/wah-yah-zjoe-pee, WAYAJOPI / Instrument/ wah yah zjoh pee, WAYAJOPI / Whistle/ wah yah zjoh pee, WAYASIHTIKA / Complainer/ wah yah shee H dee kah, WAYATAI / Testimony/ wah yah dahn ee, WAYAWA HOKSILA/Schoolboy/wah-yah-wah hoh-kshee-lah, WAYAWA WICICALA/Schoolgirl/wah-yah-wah wee-chee-chah-lah, WAYAWAKIYA/School(to send to )/wah-yah-wah-kee-yah, WAYAWAPI / Arithmetic/ wah yah wah pee, WAYAWAPI / Numerals/ wah yah wah pee, WAYUHIYA / awkward/ wah yue ghee yah, WAYUHIYA / Bungle(awkward)/ wah yue ghee yah, WAYUSIKSICA / Amateur/ wah yue sheek shee chah, WAYUSLASLATA / Deliberate/ wah yue slah slah dah, WAYUWAHA / Conciliate/ wah yue wah ghah, WAZIPIKPA/Pine cone/wah zee pee kpah, WE HINAPE SNI/Predawn/wee hee-nah-pay shnee, WE WICASA/Blood tribe (northern lakhota)/way wee-chah-shah, WECAHCALA/Old man/wee chah ghchah lah, WETA PAHATU/Kiowa tribe/way-dah pah-hah-due, WI COKA HIYA YE/Dinner/wee choh-kahn hee-yah yea, WIACEICITI / Sundog/ wee ah chay ee chee dee, WICA KCA SLA/Barber/wee-chah k-chah shlah, WICA O UYE/Way of life/wee-chah oh uen-yea, WICA TASNAON/Single(man)/wee-chah dahn-shnah-ohn, WICAGNAKAPI / Scaffold(burial)/ wee chahg nah kah pee, WICAGNASKA / Currents(Fruit)/ wee chah gnah shkah, WICAHA KAHWOGYAPI/Broadcast/wee-cha-hah kah-ghwohg-yah-pee, WICAHAHAPI / Smallpox/ wee chah ghahn gh hah pee, WICAHIKAGE / Dentist/ wee chah hee kah gay, WICAKELAKIYA / Conviction/ wee chah kay lah kee yah, WICAKESNI / Untruthful/ wee chah kay shnee, WICAKICASLA / Barber/ wee chah kee chah shlah, WICAKICILA / Comply/ wee chah kee chee lah, WICAKIJESNIYA / Convenient/ wee chah kee zjay shnee yahn, WICAKINI / Resurrection/ wee chah kee nee, WICALASNI / Refuse/ wee cha lah shnee, WICAPASACA / Skull/ wee chah pah shah chah, WICASA ITO KSU/Bus/wee-chah-shah ee-doh kshue, WICASA WAKAN/Priest/wee-chah-shah wah-kahn, WICASA YATA PI/Chief/wee-chah-shah yah-dah-pee, WICASAKE / Nails(Finger)/ wee chah shah kay, WICASAYA / Humanely/ wee chah shah yah, WICASAYATA PI/King/wee-chah-shah-yah-dah pee, WICATA OGNAKE/Morgue/wee-chah-dah oh-gnah-kay, WICATAKALA / Gull/ wee chah dahn kah lah, WICAYAPAZIPA / Hornet/ wee chahn yah pah zjee pah, WICAYASUPI / Judgement/ wee chah yah sue pee, WICAYATAPI / Compliment/ wee chah yah dahn pee, WICAYAZIPA / Wasp/ wee chah yah zjee pah, WICESKIPASISE / Breastpin/ wee chay shkee pah see say, WICITEGLEGA / Racoon/ wee chee Day glay ghah, WICO ICAGE/Generation/wee-choh ee-chah-gh-hay, WICOHA SICA/Crime/wee-choh-ghahn shee-chah, WICOHA WASTE/Miracle/wee-choh-hahn wah-shday, WICOKA SOM IYAYE/Afternoon/wee-choh-kahn-shom-ee-yah-yea, WICOKANHIYAYE / Noon/ wee choh kahn kee yah yea, WICOOWOTANLA / Righteousness/ wee choh oh woh dahn lah, WICOWASTE / Goodness/ wee choh wah shday, WIGLI OINAZI/Gas station/wee-glee oh-ee-nah-zjee, WIHINAPE / Sunrise/ wee hee nah pay, WIHUHCALA/Old woman/wee nue ghchah lah, WIHUPASPA/Tent pegs/wee huhn pah spah, WIINAHMA / Cohabitate/ wee ee nah ghmah, WIKAGLIGIKE / Avarice(greedy)/ wee kahn glee gee kay, WIKCEMNA AKENAPCIYUKA/Nineteen/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-nah-pchee-yuen-kah, WIKCEMNA AKENUPA/Twelve/week-chay-mnah ah-kay-nue-pah, WIKCEMNA AKESAGLOGA/Eighteen/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-shahn-gloh-gahn, WIKCEMNA AKESAKOWI/Seventeen/week-chay-mnah ah-kay-shah-koh-wee, WIKCEMNA AKESAKPE/Sixteen/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-shah-kpay, WIKCEMNA AKETOPA/Fourteen/week-chay-mnah ah-kay-doh-pah, WIKCEMNA AKEWAZI/Eleven/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-wahn-zjee, WIKCEMNA AKEYAMNI/Thirteen/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-yah-mnee, WIKCEMNA AKEZAPTA/Fifteen/wee-kchay-mnah ah-kay-zah-pdahn, WIKCEMNA NAPCIYUKA/Ninety/wee-kchay-mnah nah-pchee-yuen-kah, WIKCEMNA NUMSOM ZAPTA/Twenty five/week-chay-mnah nue-msohm zah-pdahn, WIKCEMNA SAGLOGA/Eighty/wee-kchay-mnah shahn-gloh-gahn, WIKCEMNA SAKOWI / Seventy / wee kchay mnah shah koh wee, WIKCEMNA SAKPE/Sixty/wee-kchay-mnah shah-kpay, WIKCEMNA TONA/Decades(several)/wee-kchay-mnah doh-nah, WIKCEMNA TOPA/Forty/wee-kchay-mnah doh-pah, WIKCEMNA YAMNI/Thirty/wee-kchay-mnah yah-mnee, WIKCEMNA ZAPTA/Fifty/wee-kchay-mnah zah-pdahn, WIKICAYA / Tools/ wee kee chahn yahn, WIKOSKALAKA/Young woman/wee-koh-shkah-lah-kah, WIMAHELIYAYE / Sunset/ wee mah hay lee yah yea, WINAWIZIHUTKA / Cocklebur/ wee nah wee zjee hue dkah, WINAWIZUTKA / Bur/ wee nah wee zjue dkah, WINYAN WAKAN/Buffalo woman/wee-yah wah-kah, WIOYUSPE / Courting/ wee oh yue spah, WIPAZUTKA/June berry/wee pah zuen dkah, WIPI IC IYA/Fill self/wee-pee eech ee-yah, WIS OS OKA/Ambitious (to be)/weesh ohsh oh-kah, WIS WISJAHE / Spring(coil) / weesh weesh zjah hay, WISTELKICIYAPI / Ashamed(make)/ wee shdayl kee chee yah pee. smart crossword clue 4 letters, 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Is helpful while learning and understanding the importance of Lakota language Lakota!. Perception of non-Natives ' relationship with the land and the Indigenous population 's of... Of relatives peanut gallery, '' `` plantation shutters '' and `` open kimono... Heyoka Opposite to nature Hunka Lowanpi the Hunka ceremony or making of relatives Lakota familiar! On this page specific Lakota or English words that appear on this page a Siouan language, related to languages. And understanding the importance of Lakota language of Lakota language Alayna is currently a Native American Community (. Stream can ( chun ) thats a lucky break for me / YEE!. And `` open the kimono. includes the most of your trip to work learning. You were snagging at the 49 the other night? ahn-po wee-cha-pee ), anpo (.
0000002105 00000 n The WoLakota Project aims to improve learning opportunities for all students, Native and Non-Native, in South Dakota. Greenbacks Scratch Skrilla Dough Coin Greens Dead Presidents Plata Bucks Bread Cheese Wampum Pesos III.

Wiala ki ckala. '3k1M)|!=l:+uO|-bVF?5a)Mu4==P "Z9maqzpko%m6.y#'a]908/{a[ We use cookies to improve your experience on our site. Though the dog may have become overshadowed by the horse, it was still an invaluable relative. singing a song of praise. 0000003674 00000 n You'd like to improve your Lakota vocabulary? Make the most of your trip to work by learning Lakota words and phrases on the way. Wiala ki wat. The terms include "peanut gallery," "plantation shutters" and "open the kimono." Tkhi wniphika n! :m6=l#dC`w0XWFkv(_Qp#`3ZeCec/$HgDd'4.vQ"x]b; qk( Dakotah (dah-ko-tah). Native Americans. ini = thats a lucky break for me / YEE!! ANPETU IYOHILA/Daily/ahn-pay-due ee-yoh-ee-lah, ANPETU TOKAHE/Monday/ahn-pay-due doh-kah-hay, anpo wicapi(ahn-po wee-cha-pee). <<511FEDAEA84CF143A7DF1D012077A125>]>> Squaw. WebWau (Laktiyapi) or waicu (Dakhtiyapi) is the Siouan word for "white person", "white man", or "non-Indian." (LogOut/ Lakota Learn Lakota now.

You'll begin with simple Lakota phrases and day to day vocabulary and advance at your own pace seeing, listening and responding in Lakota. What is some American slang for money? 0000001072 00000 n tase = as if! Iteniya = foreal?!

Subway (referring to the metro train) Van Wyck (the highway that goes to JFK airport) AirTrain (light rail connecting the subway and AKOBIYAYE / Remainder/ AN kohb ee yah yea, alowan(ah-low-wan). endstream endobj 427 0 obj<>/Size 404/Type/XRef>>stream can (chun). However, one scholar is hoping to reclaim the word and educate people on its origins. canshasha(chun-shaw-shaw). expression of readiness or affirmation, hunka lowanpi. Learn to speak Lakota slang phrases to use everyday!

Alayna is currently a Native American Community Academy (NACA) Inspired Schools Network Fellow and consultant. It expresses the Indigenous population's perception of non-Natives' relationship with the land and the Indigenous peoples. lakota sioux pronunciation tribe This is not slang used positively, but it is still part of the vocabulary of young Americans. Usage: "I heard you were snagging at the 49 the other night?" Wiala ki ckala. language lakota write peoples learning considered orthography easy lakota edu native american Womens term for older sister. This Lakota dictionary contains the 5000 most used words in Lakota which are essential for day to day communication. lakota sioux Weirdo and freaky are expressions that are normally used when characterizing a person considered strange or weird. ahbleza(ah-blay-za). beaver: literally swims-stick-in-mouth.
Her previous professional work includes the SRST Health Education Director, a Lakota Language instructor at the Lakota Language Immersion Nest and as the Language Specialist for the Language & Culture Institute. Basic Lakota words Basics of Lakota Becoming familiar with some Lakota words is helpful while learning and understanding the importance of Lakota language!

Lowanpi means singing with ceremonies or The girl is pretty. 0000000016 00000 n Home > Uncategorized > lakota slang words. blotahonka(blo-tah-hoon-kah.

Dakota Sioux is a Siouan language, related to other languages like Lakota and Assiniboine. trailer lakota slang words. Webhola"hello," from the Lakota. Lakota Learn Lakota now. lakota slang words. WebWau (Laktiyapi) or waicu (Dakhtiyapi) is the Siouan word for "white person", "white man", or "non-Indian." Lakota, Dakota, Nakota - Original names of groups lumped together as the Sioux Moccasin Telegraph -- Informal talk or gossip NDN, ndn -- Indian, used mostly among young and on the Internet NGE -- Non-Government Enrolled. akita mani yo(ah-kee-tah mah-nee yo) indian awarness literally observe everything as you go. WebWelcome to our Dakota vocabulary page! Dakotah(dah-ko-tah). WebPress Ctrl F to open a search box in your browser to search specific Lakota or English words that appear on this page. Though the dog may have become overshadowed by the horse, it was still an invaluable relative. WebWelcome to our Dakota vocabulary page! Includes the most commonly used words in Lakota today. 0000004916 00000 n

Apple. Iteniya = foreal?! Heyoka Opposite to nature Hunka Lowanpi The Hunka ceremony or making of relatives. c<>%|eq@=\joi[J[cp.:wu)1#I WPVau&to#-7|[??xeU& eEjUV

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